Friday, 28 October 2011

Little Chiefs Bandana Bib Review

The lovely Designer Ark recently sent me a Little Chiefs bandana bibs for Bug to test. I was pleased to be given the opportunity to review one of their bibs and was curious to see how it would handle Bug’s dribble.

Little Chiefs are made by Designer Ark and these bandana bibs are their first own branded product. Designer Ark have designed these bandana bibs to spice up and add excitement to little ones outfits by using eye catching and quirky fabric designs. The fabric designs that they use are produced in limited runs making these bibs even more unique.

We were sent a Brown Jungle Little Chiefs bandana bib and I immediately loved the design. It is a lovely quirky, funky design and I like the big prints in the design and the colours are very complimentary to each other. This design and colours remind me of a traditional design with a funky, modern twist. The front of the bib is lovely and soft high quality cotton and the back of the bib is ultra soft fleece to prevent clothes getting wet. Not only is the bib nice and soft it is really lovely and thick especially compared to other bandana bibs I have used, even though the bib is quite thick it is not bulky. The thickness and fabric used shows the quality of materials used. It is very well made with excellent stitching with a lovely little ‘Little Chiefs’ label stitched on. The bib can be adjusted to fit a range of sizes to get a comfortable fit for your little ones using soft Velcro strips.

The bib works really well and withstands an immense amount of dribble, keeping Bug’s clothes and skin dry. Not only does the fleece prevent the dribble soaking Bug it also maximises comfort. Bug has a little double chin and as such the bib does gather a little tightly under his chin and even though you can adjust the fit with the Velcro it still is a little tight and on the next adjustment it is too big, I think if the bib was designed with a slight scooped neck it would fit better. I personally prefer poppers instead of Velcro but that is just a preference and the Velcro does work well and does not affect the function of the bib in preventing dribble soaking through. The bib didn’t come with any washing instructions but I put them in with Bug’s clothes and it washed well and is just as soft as it was when new. 

I would recommend Little Chiefs bandana bibs as the bib is very good quality, super soft, cute and importantly very practical. With these bibs you get stylish, bright and funky designs for your little ones without compromising on quality. I think these would make a lovely gift as they are an attractive solution to inevitable baby dribble.

You can buy the complete Little Chiefs bandana bibs collection on the Designer Ark website for £4.99 each; themes include Brown Jungle, Blue Cherries and Pink Butterfly. Designer Ark regularly look for new fun and fresh fabrics for their Little Chiefs bibs and the designs don’t stay around for ever as they use limited runs of their fabric designs. Designer Ark is a family run business in Swansea who not only produce their own brand of bandana bibs under the name of Little Chiefs but they also sell a wide range of products for little ones on their website including interesting and stimulating products from well known companies and unique and quirky products from new companies. Designer Ark can be found on twitter and they have a facebook page. Designer Ark’s wide range of products means that there is something available for everyone.

* Designer Ark kindly gave us this Little Chiefs bandana bib to review for free, despite this I have written an honest review that contains my own words and opinions and is 100% my own *

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