Monday, 23 January 2012

Click and help NSPCC's All Babies Count Campaign

NSPCC are campaigning to reduce the neglect and abuse of children under one with their ‘All babies count’ campaign that highlights their vulnerability and help prevent abuse and neglect of babies.  Help this fantastic cause by pledging your support to the campaign on the ‘All babies count’ campaign website.

You can also help this brilliant cause by helping to raise money with just one click -

Sudocrem are raising money for the NSPCC’s ‘All babies count’ campaign and need more of you to help raise money for this worthy cause.  They have pledged to donate £25,000 in total to this cause that helps protect babies and campaigns for earlier and better support for new parents.

Sudocrem are donating 50p to the NSPCC for every ‘like’ on their Sudocrem Facebook page and 25p for every tweet.

All it takes to help such a worthwhile cause is a few minutes of your time to click ‘like’ on their Facebook page or tweet.  Do your part in helping to protect babies that are at risk.

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