Sunday, 11 March 2012

A new addition - Grandad from John Crane has arrived!

We have a new addition to the family!! 

John Crane Ltd Toys have been sending out a 100 wooden Grand Parents from their Tidlo collection to families around the UK so that the grandma’s and grandad’s can have little adventures with their new families.  We will be taking pictures of our adoptive grandparent in different places all over summer. 

We were selected to be sent a grandad.  We have decided he will affectionately be known as Pops, he is adorable and I love his grey hair.


Pops has lots of friends who are also on little adventures with other new families and he will be keeping up with all the news of their tales and pictures on facebook and twitter.  Pictures of Pops will be seen over the summer here on the blog, linked to John Crane Ltd and Where in the World are the Grandparents on and posted on facebook and twitter.

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