Saturday, 30 June 2012

Sponsored Video - Organix Goodies

Little man has a great appetite; he eats everything and has a very varied diet.  As well as eating well balanced, good portioned meals he also loves having snacks.  Apart from mummy’s delicious homemade snacks little man’s favourite snacks are Organix Goodies.   He adores the whole Organix Goodies range with the cereal bars and gingerbread men being his favourites.

Not only is little man a huge fan of the Organix Goodies range but both Lee and I are too.  They get a big gold star straight away for the fact that little man adores the snacks and finds them utterly yummy.  Another big plus for us is the Organix ‘No Junk Promise’.  We love that not only are the Goodies snacks full of goodness and yummy ingredients but they also contain NO added salt, processed sugars or artificial additives or colours.

Little man is a very active, busy little boy and the Organix Goodies range of snacks are perfect for providing him with a healthy, nutritious treat that helps keep him energy levels topped up.  Without fail I always have a few Organix Goodies snacks in my bag so that I’ve always got some snacks that little man loves handy when we are out and about and the need for a snack arises.

As well as the fruity cereal bars little man also loves the innovative savoury snack ‘veg and oat bars’ which are a great alternative to sweet snacks (we previously wrote about the these bars in our veg and oat bars review).  I love that the cereal bars are a great way of incorporating wholegrain oats into little man’s diet which helps him keep going in-between meals as they slowly release energy.

When little man was younger the Carrot Stix and Tomato Puffs were great as finger foods and are still firm favourites as well as his new love for the Spicy Tomato Stars.  Not only are the organic savouries range of snacks great for little ones to practice self-feeding and develop their hand eye coordination but they are also a great alterative to crisps and perfect as an alternative to sweet snacks.

Little man loves Organix’s range of organic biscuits, especially the little gingerbread men and I love the fact that they have the goodness of wholegrain and are only sweetened with grape juice.   Organix’s Organic Squeezy’s are a new favourite of little man’s as he loves enjoying the tasty fruit purees straight from the squeezy pouch.

The Organix Goodies range is a great variety of snacks for little ones at an affordable price and best of all they are yummy and nourishing.  We love the Organix Goodies range and whole-heartily agree with Organix’s motto ‘thank goodness for goodies’. 

Not only do Organix provide parents with a range of tasty snacks for their little ones but also on their website there are recipes for homemade cooking (little man loves the pork and apple burgers), games and activities and the ‘taste for life’ programme which aims to inspire little ones to have a love of fruit and vegetables.  To keep up-to-date with Organix news and products join them on the Organix facebook page, follow them on twitter and subscribe to the Organix YouTube page. 

Organix have an adorable new advert highlighting their range of tasty Goodies snacks for toddlers.

* This post has been sponsored by Organix but all thoughts are our own *

1 comment:

  1. I like the Organix range except for the Veg & Oats (Tomato & carrot). My little one wouldn't eat any so I tried them and spat them out because it tasted revolting! The others are lovely though.
