Sunday, 9 December 2012

The Christmas Tag.

As I mentioned in my post 'Christmas, Christmas everywhere but not a drop here' I have been lacking when it comes to all things Christmassy. As I have not embraced the festive season yet and could do with a swift reminder of the fact that I love Christmas, I was more than pleased when I was tagged by Yvoone Oots from Olives Place to take part in the Christmas tag meme that has been doing the rounds. I thought I would try and get in the Christmas spirit and fling myself into the joy of Christmas by taking part in these meme, especially as I am sure it would spark, renew and remind me of my love of Christmas.

Q1. What's your favourite thing about Christmas?
I love everything to do with Christmas; I enjoy the festive season as a whole and enjoy the lead up to Christmas day nearly as much as the special day itself. I love shopping for presents to give to my love ones, beautifully wrapping the presents, Christmas decorations, cooking (and eating) yummy food, getting crafty and making gifts and decorations; I even have a fondness for Christmas songs and I love snuggling up with a roaring fire in the background and watching Christmas films. As well as loving and enjoying the run up to Christmas day I also love the day itself especially because we spend the day as a family, enjoying quality family time. Christmas has become even more special since having little man and even though little man was too young to really understand and appreciate Christmas last year it was amazing to spend the morning with him and his daddy, opening presents together and seeing little man explore and investigate his new toys. As little man is older this year and understands more he is already having moments of excitement, he gets very excited when we are out and about and see Christmas decorations and he has enjoyed snuggling with mummy watching a Christmas film or two. I hope to create a special Christmas day for little man and enjoy lots of Christmas inspired crafts and activities in the run up to the big day, introducing him to the magic of Christmas.
Q2. What's your favourite make up look for the festive season?
It’s not often that I wear make-up but I usually make an effort on Christmas day and for any festive events we go to. I don’t go to town with my make-up, usually a slick of glossy lip balm, a hint of sparkle on my eyes and paint my toe nails with a sparkly festive colour (my fingers nails usually get neglected).

Q3. Real or fake tree?
I do love real trees and when I was growing up we used to always have a real tree but when I moved out for my first Christmas living on my own I bought a fake tree. Ever since then (it has been quite a few years now) I have used the same fake tree and it is looking rather sad, used and tatty but it does the job. Even though real trees are lovely and my fake tree is tatty and old, I prefer a fake tree as it does not make a mess or die. With little man, who is into everything, a fake tree is a better option too. I would love a glorious looking fake tree with lovely, matching and themed decorations (ours are a mixture of different bits and bobs I have acquired over the years from relatives and shops if they were on offer or dirt cheap) but for now my old reliable tree suffices and the money I would need to buy a new fabulous tree, kitted out with new decorations can be spent on treating my little man instead.

Q4. Giving presents or receiving them?
Definitely giving presents, I love choosing and then wrapping gifts for all my loved ones and even enjoy getting small stocking filler type gifts. I love seeing my loved ones open up their gifts (and hopefully like what I have got them). The joy I get from giving gifts is even greater than it ever now that I have a child. My main focus is buying for little man and I love getting him presents, seeing him tear open the wrapping paper and then enjoy the gift inside. Now that little man is getting older and he understands and gets excited about things I am even more excited about giving him gifts this year.

Q5. Do you open your presents Christmas morning or evening?
Morning! I am so excited about little man opening his presents that there is no way I could wait until evening.

Q6. Handmade Christmas cards or bought?
Most of the Christmas cards I give will be bought ones but some will be handmade for close loved ones. I plan on getting crafty with little man to make a few; making some to give to close family from little man. 

Q7. What's your favourite Christmas film?
I love Christmas films and love snuggling up by the fire when it is cold outside to watch Christmas films. I would not say I have a favourite; I enjoy Elf, Home Alone reminds me of my childhood because I watched it so many times when I was a child (not because I spent a Christmas as a child home alone fending off burglars), I love Miracle on 34th Street and I do enjoy watching Die Hard when it is inevitably on the TV this time of year.

Q8. What's your favourite Christmas food?
I can’t pick just one favourite as I love Christmas dinner with all the trimmings as well all the lovely treats we have at Christmas. I do have a weakness for bread sauce though and Christmas dinner would not be the same without it. We have a tradition of having cold meats, cheeses and left overs on Boxing day and I love this nearly as much as Christmas dinner. I also love the tasty treats, cakes and puddings that we enjoy and indulge in over the festive season, I love most of all the utterly delicious gateaux that my mum makes every year.

I am now tagging Clare from Emmys Mummy to join in with this Christmas meme. Anyone else who would like to be tagged and take part in this Christmas meme please leave a comment or get in touch.

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