Thursday, 28 February 2013

Accidents do happen.

When I was a child I never worried about getting hurt, I did not see ‘dangers’ and simply lived in the moment enjoying an innocent childhood having fun and adventures.  Now that I am a parent I see the ‘dangers’ and ‘risks’ that could cause my little man harm and injury.  Even though I look for what could hurt my little man and ensure the house is safe and child-proof to prevent serious injury to little man I want him to enjoy his childhood and have fun and adventures.  I think it is all part of growing up that children will inevitably scrape themselves, their bruises and grazes being war wounds of pride from their play and adventure.  Even though small injuries go hand in hand with a busy, fun-filled childhood accidents that cause severe injuries are worrying and a lot more serious.

I consider it my job and responsibility to try and keep my little man safe whilst he has his adventures.  My role of mummy consists of safeguarding him from harm by having safety plugs on unused plugs, having a fire guard surrounding the fire, preventing him from playing somewhere that is unsafe and dangerous, being aware that his toys are not damaged and defective and many more tasks to help reduce the risk of accidents.  Having eyes at the back of my head helps too as well as being aware that a suddenly quiet room that was a moment ago filled with noise from my busy toddler is usually a sign that little man is up to no good…..deadly silence rings alarm bells in my head.

Even though I do my best to safeguard little man and ensure his play is safe with a reduced potential for accidents and serious injuries I cannot wrap little man in bubble wrap.  I worry that he will get seriously injured from hazards and occurrences outside of my control.  In spite of best intentions and all of the safeguarding and precautions in the world accidents do happen; an injury in a park due to damaged equipment, a serious fall on a pavement due to raised or damaged paving slabs, pot holes or damaged drain covers, harm caused by an unseen hazard at a soft play centre or amusement park aimed at children, another car causing a car accident when your child is in your car…..just some of the accidents that do happen and cause hurt and injury.

Most people think it will not happen to ‘me’ until it does happen to them.  Injuries and accidents do happen that are caused or worsened by the negligence on the part of a third party.  Even though we all hope that it never happens to us, that our child is never seriously injured, if it does happen and they have been injured because of negligence then they could be eligible to receive compensation.  If a serious injury has happened and you think you have a claim, solicitors such as Irwin Mitchell who have experience and specialism in dealing with personal injury claims will be able to use their knowledge to get you the compensation you deserve if your claim is viable.

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