Friday, 30 August 2013

Awesome Incentives from Bingo Cams.

Finding the right online bingo site can be really difficult. Not only does it have do appeal to your specific needs, it also has to offer the right incentives to make it worth joining above the hundreds of other sites around on the web. It’s asking these sorts of questions that will let you know whether you can trust a brand, as they generally give you a clue that you are both going to get something out of you signing up, rather than them taking all your money for no winnings.

Webcam bingo.
Bingo Cams gives players the chance to hook up their webcam to a game so their face appears in the bingo room chat section. This is obviously optional, but it gives a great opportunity for players to interact and feel a little closer, it even means that the bingo callers are on webcam too, so you don’t feel like you’re playing against a machine.

Signup incentives.
Bingo Cams offers a free £5 when you sign up regardless of how much you spend, but if you’re willing to put some of your own cash in when joining they give you a huge 300% in bonus cash based on your deposit. That means that if you deposit £20 of your own money you will actually have £60. Add that to the free £5 it makes £65! That’s getting pretty close to one hundred, and you’ve only given twenty of you own cash.

Progressive Jackpots.
There are some outlandish conceptions out there that jackpot bingo isn’t a big deal, with the biggest bingo wins being no more than a few hundred pounds, but there reality is that some jackpots can be in the tens of thousands and even higher, although you’ll be very lucky to win them.

The Big Bang Progressive Jackpot is won by getting a full house in 32 of fewer balls in any of the bingo rooms available (42 balls in some rooms). The only conditions is that you’ve deposited something in the last three months of playing.

The last person to win the Big Bang progressive jackpot won a staggering £16,970.38! The winner confessed that ‘it was like a dream when I looked at the jackpot bomb.’

Smaller Jackpots.
If the big bang seems a little overwhelming for you, or you can’t comprehend winning that much, there are some smaller opportunities to win outside the standard games that range from hundreds to thousands. The millionaire, the bubblegum, the Bling XXL, the .newbies and The BlingBling jackpots are all open at various point through the month and offer varying prizes.

End of the month tournaments.

At the end of every month there is the 5 Grand Trolley Dash. This is entered by making a £20 deposit during that week, and then you play a ‘checkout room’ game where ten players win a £50 food shop. After that, all the players from the checkout room go to the Super Checkout where there are two £500 jackpots and one £1000 jackpot to be won!  

*  Guest post courtesy of Bingo Cams *

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