Over 12 years ago on the 23rd January 2001 my Mamgu (gran) passed away after battling cancer for a few years. I think about her every day and miss her dearly. She had a beautiful soul and I always felt the love she had for her family as a big, loving snuggle.

I was very close to my Mamgu and she had a strong impact on me as I was growing up. To me she was the heart of the family and when she left us she left a big gaping hole within the family. Even though losing her was the worst experience of my life and something I struggled to deal with at the tender age of 15, it was a relief to see her suffering come to an end.
“Wedi’r llafur, gorffwys;
Wedi’r dioddef, hedd”
The above quote in Welsh which I have tattooed on my ankle within a design I created as a tribute to my Mamgu means “After labour, rest; after suffering, peace”. In death I hope my Mamgu found the rest and peace she deserved after working hard all of her life and inspirationally battling her cancer which caused her to suffer terribly.
Every day I wish that my Mamgu was still with us and since having Bug the desire to have her still in our lives is even stronger. I want to raise a family filled with love and laughter and make my Mamgu proud of the family I have.

Even though she is gone I like to think she is looking down on us and that her love lives on in the lives she touched and made all the more better for having known her. She enriched my life and her love is permanently fixed in my heart and cherished memories.
“I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death. They continue to participate in every act, thought and decision we make. Their love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories. We find comfort in knowing that our lives have been enriched by having shared their love.”
Leo Buscaglia
As loosing Mamgu was heart breaking, I now cherish the memories of her and the times we spent together.
“When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.”
Author Unknown

I treasure the memories I have of my Mamgu and the good times I remember having with her have become all the more special since we had to say goodbye to our angel and send her off to the sky to shine above us where her love twinkles brightly in the dark sky.
“Perhaps the stars in the sky are loved ones letting us know they are near, by guiding us through the night”
Author Unknown

Linking up with #ThursdayThoughts at Mummy Constant.
I hope she stays with you always