Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Spiritual guidance with Kooma.

I considered myself to be a spiritual person with an interest in all things natural, holistic and mystic. I love communing with nature, believe in the power of crystals and gemstones, use alternative medicines such as homeopathy and acupuncture, practice the art of using aromatherapy to enhance psychological and physical wellbeing, have faith in the ancient practice of tarot card reading and pendulum dowsing for divine guidance, and am curious about clairvoyance.

My interest in most things natural, holistic, mystic and spiritual springs from my childhood. During my childhood I became enchanted by the beauty and power of the crystals and gemstones my mum had around our home and I smelt the delightful aroma of essential oils every day in our house. I have also experienced the benefit of using alternative medicine over the years, including taking homeopathic medicine and visiting an osteopath for treatment.

I also have sentimental connotations attached to my holistic and mystic interests. I have a number of gemstones that have a special attachment to loved ones, the smell of particular essential oils evoke memories of loved ones and special memories, and one of my own personal pack of tarot cards were given to me from a close family friend who is sadly no longer with us.

As well as occasionally dabbling in the art of tarot reading myself I have also had a number of readings from experienced tarot card readers and clairvoyants over the years.

I vividly remember my first visit to a clairvoyant tarot card reader and medium. It was about 10 years ago and I was at a time in my life when I needed a little guidance. I was very nervous as I made my way to her house for a reading. In my head I wrongly imagined that her house would be decorated in a gypsy or dark gothic style, in reality she lived in a homely cottage with no gypsy or gothic decorations in sight.

The kind and warm lady made me feel very welcome in her home as we sat facing each other across a table in her cosy living room. Using tarot cards and connecting with a personal item of jewellery I had brought with me she read my cards and made contact with my spirit guide and a dearly departed loved one.  She touched on a number of true personal issues and events as she gave me my reading and the words she spoke having made my contact with my dearly departed loved one comforted me.

Whilst I realise the notion of being told the truth and getting guidance from tarot cards and psychic readings being real may seem unlikely to some people for me personally I felt a genuine connection to this lovely normal lady who just happened to have in my opinion an extraordinary gift.

Rather than hearing the predictable generalised predictions I assumed I would be told, during the reading I was given spiritual guidance, subtle and personal predictions and accurate truths personal to myself and my life. The reading gave me the guidance I needed at that time, making me evaluate my life and feelings, helping me have the strength to take action on a number of issues I was nervous about.

It has been a few years since my last visit to an experienced tarot card reader and clairvoyant. Since my last reading I have thought a number of times about getting a reading but have struggled to find a reader to visit.

Recently I became aware of being able to access a tarot card and clairvoyant reading from experienced readers on the telephone via a designated psychic website.  Kooma is a spiritual website that helps you to consult with an array of experienced psychics and readers by phone to find spiritual answers to your questions from the comfort and convenience of your own home 24 hours a day.

Even though I honestly doubted I would be able to make a personal connection with a tarot card reader and clairvoyant over the telephone I decided to try a tarot card phone reading with Kooma.

Browsing the Kooma website I found the reader who I felt a connection with and who I thought would be best suited to answer my spiritual needs.  Once I had found the reader for me I called the phone number, entered my chosen readers PIN number into the telephone to be connected to the reader for a 20 minute reading.

Whilst it was weird at first to be having a reading over the telephone rather than in person I quickly connected to my reader who gave me an insightful tarot card reading.  The reading left me feeling positive and provided me with desire to confront an issue that has been causing turmoil deep inside of me for a long time.  The reading and act of talking to a stranger who gave me spiritual guidance and supportive advice helped me look forward to the future with positivity and encouraged me to take action on freeing the worries and issues from my past.

For me personally the phone tarot card reading was a positive experience and I love that if I ever feel the need to talk to a clairvoyant and tarot card reader in the future I am able to do so whenever I want from the comfort of my own home.  If you are interested in having a clairvoyant tarot card reading but struggle to find a suitable reader or would rather not visit a psychic in person then a phone reading via Kooma may be right for you find out more here.  A psychic telephone reading with Kooma may also be a fun and unique experience to share with your friends on a girly pamper night.

Have you ever had a psychic or tarot card reading?

* Post in collaboration with Kooma who provided me with a free 20 minute telephone tarot card reading *

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