Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Throw the baby clothes out – soiled baby clothes costing parents.

* 87% of new mums resort to throwing away baby clothes because the stains are too bad
* Soiled baby clothes are costing new parents £600 a year to replace – that’s a staggering £4.2m to families across the UK
* 6 in 10 mums worry about using harsh stain removal products on baby clothes

Today Asda reveals that 87% of parents have had to throw away their baby’s clothes due to staining, with almost half of parents (48%) doing this at least once a month.

The poll commissioned by Asda to launch its new range of Little Angels detergents, has shown that soiled baby clothes are costing strapped-for-cash parents £600 a year to replace – that’s a whopping £4.2m for new families in the UK.

When asked what the worst culprit for staining baby garments was 52% of parents said poo, while baby food (74%) and juice (32%) also topped the list. As a result 43% of squeaky-clean parents have admitted to sticking on two extra washes a week for their baby, with a quarter needing to do five.

However, a concerned six in 10 parents say they stay away from using traditional stain-removing agents as these might be too harsh for their baby’s skin – which is why it’s often easier to resort to the bin bag.

In light of this, Asda has introduced a new laundry range, designed especially for babies and formulated for the softest and snuggliest of washes to keep mum’s worries at bay. Adding to its already popular Little Angels brand, the range of detergents includes non-bio gel, non-bio liquid, non-bio capsules, non-bio powder, fabric conditioner and a non-bio oxy powder stain remover – perfect on the toughest and messiest of stains, yet gentle on your baby’s delicate skin.

Victoria Philip, from Asda’s Household and Laundry team, said; "Having a baby is one of life’s biggest miracles, but with it comes additional costs and occasional worries. At Asda we want to make things as easy as possible by taking away any worry or stress mums might have about washing their baby’s clothes, whilst keeping things affordable.  The new Little Angels detergent range will leave clothing soft and doesn’t contain any additives that can irritate baby’s skin but is still strong enough to tackle the toughest of stains. Ultimately, we know that by taking care of babies means we’re taking care of mums and families too and that’s what’s important".

Little Angels laundry detergents are available in Asda stores and online NOW, priced from just £1.50.

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