Monday, 17 November 2014

Birds Eye Steamfresh reigniting the nation's love of vegetables.

I have always been passionate about making sure that Bug eats a healthy diet with plenty of variety. Thankfully Bug is a great little eater, not fussy at all and loves fruit and veg. Whilst Bug’s enthusiasm for eating fruit and veg is fantastic now, I do hope that Bug’s love of fruit and veg is a lifelong love and that he does not start to have a hatred towards veg just like his daddy who hardly ever eats any veg.

It seems as if Bug’s daddy is part of a huge group of Brits who dislike veg.

Leading food brand Birds Eye commissioned a ‘Vege-nation’ study to see how the nation feels about veg, revealing that the nation is falling out of love with vegetables.

The study also found out that almost a quarter (23%) of people said they avoid buying vegetables because they have a short life and go rotten too quickly.  Also the study found out that 1 in 7 (14%) of people don’t eat enough vegetables because they struggle to find exciting ways to cook them whilst more than a quarter (27%) of people avoid vegetables because they don’t know how to cook them properly.

To help reignite the nation’s love of vegetables Birds Eye have launched a delicious new range of side dishes called Steamfresh to enhance meals and transform vegetables from duty to desire.

Birds Eye General Marketing Manager Adam Draper says: “Birds Eye is always looking at ways to push new boundaries to make mealtimes more tasty and enjoyable. We’re really excited to be bringing Steamfresh to market and showcase the taste credentials of vegetables. We’re really proud of the range and hope it will prove that veg shouldn’t just be a need-to-have but a really nice-to-have at mealtimes.” 

Steamfresh includes a range of favourite vegetables at their best with their natural goodness and flavour locked in thanks to Birds Eye’s clever steamers, a tasty range of rice dishes with a medley of vegetable mixes, and yummy pasta and vegetable creations.

Steamfresh is available from £1.79 and £1.99 (RRSP) and can be found in retailers including Ocado and Tesco.

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