Monday, 28 September 2015

Are you driving on the right side of the law?

As soon as I turned 17 I put on my L plates and started learning driving. When I learnt how to drive and passed my test over 10 years ago (eek where have the years gone?) I soon realised the importance of knowing and sticking to driving laws.

Whilst the obvious driving offences such as speeding, drink driving and dangerous driving should be known by all drivers there are a number of driving laws that are in place in the UK that most drivers won’t know about.

Simpson Millar have created a Driving on the Right Side of Law infographic to showcase driving laws that may not be common knowledge to the majority of UK drivers who may well be breaking the law without even knowing it.

Did you know that it is illegal to drive your car around with a ‘for sale’ sign in the windows?

I must admit I did not know that it was illegal to do so but can gladly say I have never done it so haven’t broken that law.

Being one of Lee’s pet hates he only wishes the driving too slow law was reinforced a little more often as he often moans that it is just as dangerous to drive too slow as it is too drive too fast.

The wacky laws are also very interesting to learn…….I wonder whether London Taxis carry a bale of hay and a sack of oats?

Did you realise the above were driving behaviours were illegal?

If not you better think twice about driving your car around with a ‘for sale’ sign in the windows or honking your horn at someone to signal annoyance otherwise you may get in trouble for breaking the law.


  1. laughed at the bale of straw one, wonder why that arose in the first place.
    I agree driving too slow especially on country roads, is a huge annoyance and police should be pulling people over and warning them. Obviously weather permitting but 40 in a 60 zone is imo more dangerous than 65 in a 60 zone.
    On the other hand I tend to do more 25 than 30 in a built up area having had a 6 yr old knocked down by a car, would not like to do it to any other parent.
    I will remember that I can pee by my back tyre next time I need!!!

    1. I know the bale of straw one is very wacky!
      Bless you, hope your 6 year old was okay, I can only imagine how horrible it was and would hate to do that myself to another parent or have to experience it with one of my little ones.
