Sunday, 28 August 2016

Looking and feeling good for a special event

Since my teenage years I have struggled with body confidence. For many years now I have been overweight.

Having PCOS does not help. From when I was a teenager which was when I was diagnosed with PCOS I unfortunately have had to endure the symptoms of weight gain, excess body hair and poor skin.

Going hand in hand with weight gain I struggle to lose weight. Over the years I have tried countless exercise regimes and diets in a bid to shift the bulge. To my sadness nothing has ever really worked. I thankfully have reached a point where I maintain my weight rather than pile on more pounds but regardless of the effort I put in (trust me I've put in blood, sweat and tears and a heck of a lot of determination and dedication) I never seem to lose weight.

To try to improve the symptoms of PCOS and be healthier I strive to eat healthy and exercise regularly.

After many years of a love/hate relationship with my body I have slowly learnt to love myself as I am and follow a healthy diet and exercise regime for my health rather than worry about weight loss (any weight loss is a bonus).

Even though I now feel happy in my skin when I've got a special event on the horizon I do like to look my best and to help me feel confident and look great I do a few simple things.

Drink water
Whilst I always try to drink plenty of water in the days leading up to a special event I make sure to drink enough water to keep hydrated. Not drinking enough water will cause your body to retain water. Drinking lots of water not only prevents water weight but it also helps skin look radiant and refreshed.

Body wrap
I love to have a body wrap a few days before a special event. Whether I am being pampered at a spa or enjoying one at home I find body wraps to be relaxing….there is something cosy about being wrapped up tight and relaxing whilst it works its magic. A bonus of a body wrap is that as well as making me losing a few pounds of water weight and helping my skin look and feel tighter is that it leaves my skin more soft and supple.

To help my skin look it's best I make sure I step up my skincare regime. As well as moisturizing and using face and body masks I also exfoliate head to toe. I like to use DIY body scrubs to get my skin looking its best.

The outfit
To prevent the dreaded last minute ‘argh I've got no outfit to wear' drama I have found that choosing the outfit in plenty of time ahead of the event helps. Being able to try on outfits beforehand means I can find the perfect outfit that looks good on me and I feel confident in without the pressure of the event being that day and having nothing to wear.

Do you have any top tips on how to look and feel good for a special event?

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