Friday, 30 September 2016

Look good without makeup!

I am sure once in a while most of us would love to let go our morning routine of applying makeup and go fresh-faced instead. However, you might be a person who feels vulnerable and exposed without makeup and wonder if you would look good without it.

If you struggle with feeling happy and confident make-up free, this article will give you a few tiny tips on how you can both look and feel good without makeup!

Keep your hair clean and healthy
Greasy, unwashed hair just gives the impression that you don’t take care of yourself too much. Depending on your hair type and product usage, set a number of days per week when you could wash and condition your hair. Go for a good hair spa every couple months for best results. Even if it’s not styled, having fresh hair left loose could make you feel much better and confident.

Take care of your skin
Skincare is a key factor in looking good without makeup. Make sure you wash your face with a good facial wash, suited to your skin type. Moisture your skin often. If you suffer from dry skin consider using heavier moisturizers with soothing, nourishing ingredients like shea butter or aloe vera.

Scrub and exfoliate your skin once or twice a week. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, leaving your face looking fresh and radiant. It can really help to give a healthy glow to your skin. Find a skin wash with special exfoliating particles which you can use at least once a week, else using a clean washcloth soaked in warm water. Rub your face gently with the washcloth, in slow circular motions to exfoliate.

Always remove your makeup
Make sure that when you do wear makeup, you remember to take it off completely at the day’s end before bed. Use a foaming cleanser or cream to remove the makeup. Let your skin breathe, relax.

Be healthy, hydrated and relax
The key to good, healthy skin is a healthy life style and calm mind. Eat healthy, exercise and keep hydrated for healthy looking skin. To help you look refreshed try to take time for some relaxation and calm time, why not play some fun games like bingo or poker to keep yourself relaxed before you call it a day! GameVillage, is a good site for online bingo, click here for more info.

Do you have any tips for looking good make-up free?

* Guest post *

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