2 diabetes is on the rise. More people than ever are diagnosed every
day and more people are at risk. If this trend continues and nothing
changes more than 5 million people in the UK will have diabetes by
my first pregnancy when I was about 24 weeks pregnant I was invited
to have a glucose tolerance test. Being overweight with a high BMI
and suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (gestational diabetes
and type 2 diabetes is common in women suffering from PCOS) I was
deemed at risk of developing gestational diabetes. After fasting
overnight I had to go to my local hospital to have the test where I
had a blood sample taken to see my blood sugar levels after fasting
then I to drink a vivid orange sugary drink containing glucose. This
followed a long two hour wait where I had to sit and rest. It felt
like an age and as I was still suffering from morning - or as I liked
to call it 24/7 - sickness I feel rubbish and wanted to be curled up
at home. After two hours I had another blood sample taken which would
be compared with my first blood sample.
couple of days later I received a phone call from the hospital
diabetic team to say I had been diagnosed with gestational diabetes.
Thankfully I managed to control my blood sugar levels via a healthy
diet and exercise. I had to check my blood sugar levels numerous
times a day with a diabetes test kit, have a few more antenatal scans
than I would have had and extra appointments at the hospital with the
diabetic team to monitor my gestational diabetes. The pregnancy went
well and I gave birth naturally to my first born, a beautiful baby boy
on his due date.

I had suffered from gestational diabetes I was encouraged to have
extra monitoring during labour and my newborn son had to have his
blood sugar levels checked after birth to ensure they were not too
low which sometimes they can be with newborns born to mums suffering
from gestational diabetes.
forward a few years and I was pregnant again with my second child. As
I still had a high BMI and had suffered from gestational diabetes
during my first pregnancy I was invited to have a glucose tolerance
test early at 16 weeks. This test came back normal. As I was still
high risk I had a repeat test done at about 24 weeks but again it
came back as normal and that during this pregnancy I did not have
gestational diabetes. The pregnancy went well and I had my second
beautiful boy a few days before his due date.

I suffered from gestational diabetes during one pregnancy, have PCOS
and unfortunately have a high BMI and am considered obese my risk of
developing type 2 diabetes at some point in my life was high. Even
though I have always watched what I eat, exercise regularly and try
to lose weight - thanks PCOS for making that difficult - I had not
taken the threat of diabetes as seriously as I could have. In
hindsight I wish I had done more.
2 diabetes diagnosis
the beginning of this year following routine blood test my GP rang to
say my Hba1c blood test showed I was suffering from type 2 diabetes.
Another test 2 weeks after the first was done to ensure the first
test was not a blip but unfortunately it again highlighted the fact
that I have type 2 diabetes.
the news was upsetting. Even though I knew I could develop it at some
point in my life, knowing that I am a type 2 diabetic now in my early
30s was a shock. A few tears were shed and worry of worst case
scenarios of loss of sight and amputations ran through my head.
was a lot to take in. Even though I had experience of dealing with
blood sugar levels and adapting my diet, exercise and overall
lifestyle from when I had gestational diabetes it was still a time of
whirlwind emotions and a wealth of new information to absorb. After
an appointment with the Chronic Disease Management nurse I was
prescribed 500mg modified release Metformin tablets to be taken two
twice a day.
my mama bear instincts kicking in I decided to shrug off the worry,
what ifs and worst case scenarios and do everything in my power to
control my blood sugar levels in the hope of hitting normal ranges to
be as healthy as I can be so that I can grow old and watch my
children develop and grow into the lovely adults that I imagine they
will be when they are older.
cut out all junk food, said goodbye to processed sugar, banished
fizzy drinks, limited natural sugars, introduced a low carb diet,
upped my physical activity and welcomed a regular exercise routine,
closely watched my portion sizes and increased the amount of water I
drink. With a few weeks I felt healthier and stronger. And whilst I
still have a long way to go in 4 months I have lost 2 stone.
a recent type 2 diagnosis and a passion to control it and not let
diabetes control me, when LloydsPharmacy got in touch about their
campaign to raise awareness of type 2 diabetes I was happy to be
involved. The campaign aims to highlight their FREE type 2 diabetes
screening and the support and advice they can offer to those at risk
as well as those who are already diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
experience the services that LloydsPharmacy offers I had an
appointment booked at my local LloydsPharmacy. Helpfully appointments
are not necessary for those wanting to use the services that
LloydsPharmacy and you can often just walk in to your local store.

arriving at the pharmacy I was taken into a private consultation and
advice room to have a series of tests and a consultation to provide
advice regarding my type 2 diabetes. During my visit I had a blood
pressure test, medicines check up and a random blood glucose test.

pressure test
the free blood pressure test the member of staff asked a series of
questions covering my medical history, lifestyle and family history.
Questions included if I have ever had a stroke, smoking status and if
I have a family history of heart disease. My BMI was also calculated
by looking at my height and weight. Embarrassingly but something I am
unfortunately well aware of already my BMI is WAY too high and
classifies me as obese.

documenting my answers I had my blood pressure taken twice. It was
quick and painless, with the member of staff using a similar type of
blood pressure monitor as the nurses use at my doctors surgery.

both times it highlighted that my blood pressure was a touch too
high. As the room was very hot (I am not good with heat and the
recent spate of hot weather is taking its toll on me) and I had just
briskly walked to the pharmacy after rushing to drop off my son at
childcare they decided to let me rest for a few minutes and check my
blood pressure again. The third time showed my blood pressure had
decrease a little with my systolic measurement being within normal
range but the diastolic measurement still being a little too high.
All three results created an average blood pressure result that put
me in the amber category.

the blood pressure test result showing me at risk of high blood
pressure the pharmacist suggested a follow up visit to check blood
pressure again in 7 days. She informed me that customers whose blood
pressure results are higher especially in the red category are
advised to go to their GP or if extremely high to the local hospital.
pharmacist was very thorough and informative, telling me what the
different results meant and what systolic and diastolic measurements
are. All of this was very interesting and hearing about the different
actions they suggest was encouraging that they provide a very
professional and caring service. Thankfully in the days following the
appointment I had my blood pressure taken at my diabetic review and
at a hospital appointment with both results being very good and
within normal (green) range. But knowing I can have my blood pressure
tested for free at a LloydsPharmacy is useful to know and reassuring.
being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes I have been on medication -
Metformin - to help stabilize my blood sugars. This is the only
medication that I am currently taking.

offers customers a free medicine check-up service which I experienced
during my appointment. The pharmacist asked what medication I was was
currently prescribed and discussed if I knew why I was using that
medicine. We also talked about side effects and whether the medicine
was still appropriate for my condition. The medicine check-up service
also offered an opportunity for me to ask any questions I may have
regarding my medication. The service was informative and knowing I
was getting the advice and help of a professional experienced with
medication was very helpful and put my mind at ease about my
Glucose Test
though I have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes so that I could
experience the free diabetes testing service that LloydsPharmacy
offer I had the test myself.
begin with the pharmacist asked me a series of questions which
included BMI and waist circumference as part of a diabetes risk
assessment. Customers who score under 12 are deemed low risk of
developing diabetes and those who score 12 or more are at risk and
are invited to have a random blood glucose test to determine the
likelihood that they are suffering from diabetes. I was informed that
if the customer has a random blood glucose test result higher than
6.1mmol/L they would get invited to return to the pharmacy for a
fasting blood glucose test which if came back higher than 6.1mmol/L
they would be advised to see their GP for further testing to
investigate if they are pre-diabetic or diabetic.
scored 12 which would have deemed me suitable for a blood glucose
test. The pharmacist prepared the area ready to administer the finger
prick blood glucose test, getting the accu-chek blood glucose
monitor, finger pricker and test strip to hand and ensuring there was
a yellow hazard waste bag to dispose of blood stained wipes/cotton
wool and test strips and a yellow sharp box for the lancing needles.
After using a finger pricker to prick my finger she wiped away the
initial blood to prevent sweat or any residue on my fingers
contaminating the blood and gently squeezed out a drop of blood which
she dipped the test trip on the accu-chek blood glucose monitor into.
The whole process was quick and painless and the pharmacist was very
efficient and professional administering the test.

though I am aware that I am a type 2 diabetic it was still a little
daunting waiting those 5 seconds to see what the result would show.
Since being diagnosed this was the first blood glucose test I have
had which would give me a little insight into how well I am
controlling and lowering my blood glucose levels. The pharmacist did
warn me that it in all likelihood it would be higher than 6.1mmol/L
as I had eaten about 90 minutes before the appointment however much
to my delight the result showed my random blood glucose as being

found the overall experience of visiting a LloydsPharmacy for testing
and advice very helpful and beneficial. The service provided was
friendly, professional and informative. I would encourage anyone to
visit a LloydsPharmacy to make use of the amazing service they
provide especially the free diabetes screening service. As well as
the testing and advice given in store I was also provided with a
print out of my test results (useful to show my GP if needed) which
also highlighted the advice given to me from the pharmacist during
the appointment. I was also given a Diabetes Support Guide brimming
with expert advice on how to manage the condition.

only do LloydsPharmacy offer the services that I experienced - free
blood pressure testing, free diabetes testing and free medicine
check-up - but they also a range of other services too. At selected
pharmacies for a small fee you can also have a cholesterol and heart check.

with type 2 diabetes
the tears and worry upon initial diagnosis I have tried to think of
being diagnosed as a benefit as it has given me then spark I needed
to make huge changes in my life to be healthier. Even though the past
few months have gone well, having lost weight and feeling healthier
until I had my diabetic review and results of my latest hba1c test I
had no indication of whether things were going truly well and whether
I was successful in lowering my blood glucose levels.
Following my
appointment at LloydsPharmacy I have had my first diabetic review and
I am over the moon that my hba1c result has gone from 61 at diagnosis
(diabetic) to 39 (normal). Even though I am still a diabetic and
always will be at the moment my blood sugar levels are controlled in
the normal range, some would call it being in remission, I just think
yay I am delighted!
though I have only been living with type 2 diabetes for nearly 6
months it has been a steep learning curve and I have learnt a lot
from my diabetic nurse, online forums as well as the very helpful
advice given to me from the pharmacist during the visit to a
LloydsPharmacy. With that in mind I wanted to share a few top tips -
* Get
though it sounds like common sense increasing the amount of physical
exercise you do and ensuring you exercise on a regular basis can make
the world of difference and it helps lower blood sugar levels.
Exercise does not have to equal hours at the gym unless you want it
to as long as you are moving more than what you were before you are
heading in the right direction. Finding a form of exercise you enjoy
whether that is walking, swimming, exercising in the gym or a fitness
class will mean you are more likely to stick to it.
* Watch
the food you eat
looking at your sugar intake is an amazing first step in controlling
blood glucose levels but you also need to take into account the
amount of carbohydrates you eat too. Whilst carbs are a good source
of energy your body turns carbs into sugars which can have an effect
on your blood sugar levels. Watching portion sizes especially with
carbs is wise (low carb diet) and if you are eating carbs switch
things like white breads and pasta to wholemeal and wholegrain
options. Also cook from scratch as the amount of sugar in convenience
and pre-made products such as cooking sauces is surprisingly high.
Try to eat regularly as missing meals can make your body release
glucose which will increase your blood sugar levels.
* Look
after yourself
to look after yourself inside and out, physically and emotionally.
Stress can increase blood sugar levels so ensure you give yourself
some TLC and relaxation. As footcare is vital for diabetics make sure
to give them some TLC, try to keep them healthy and watch dry skin
and any injuries. If prescribed medication for your diabetes ensure
to take them as prescribed. Also ensure you attend diabetic review
appointments, annual foot checks and annual diabetic eye screening.
If you check your blood glucose levels with a monitor and find you
have a low reading which could indicate a hypo (under 4mmol/L) treat
with a glucose tablet and then retest, if it is still low or
decreasing further seek medical advice likewise if your reading is
high (above 20mmol/L) seek medical advice.
things are going well so far living with type 2 diabetes I want to
continue in this positive way and make further progress in getting
healthier. My future health goals include -
* Continuing
to keep my blood sugar levels in a normal range
* Losing
a lot more weight and lowering my BMI
* Adding
a new form of exercise into my existing routine of walking, swimming
and using a cross-trainer to test my body in a new way and to add
variety so that I do not get fed up
* Increasing
the amount of water I drink as it is healthy for my body and helps
with lowering blood sugar levels
* Using
a fitness tracker watch to monitor my exercise, pulse rate and
type 2 diabetics accounting for 90% of those suffering from diabetes,
4.6 million people in the UK are currently living with diabetes and a
whopping 1.1 million people in the UK living with undiagnosed
diabetes I think it is amazing that LloydsPharmacy are offering
diabetes screening for free and are championing helpful advice for
those at risk and those living with type 2 diabetes.

you are worried you are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes head to
your local store to take advantage of their free diabetes testing
service. For further information about the service that
LloydsPharmacy provide and helpful advice on a variety of conditions
check out the LloydsPharmacy website. Plus keep an eye out for the
LloydsPharmacy roadshows where people can test their risk of
developing type 2 diabetes free of charge across the UK!! Find out
when and where the roadshow will be helping people here.
* Post
in collaboration with LloydsPharmacy *
Gosh I bet that was a lot to take in. Such a life changing thing. The service at Lloyds pharmacy sounds great. I didn't realise they provided health advice x