learning to drive people have to pass their theory and practical
driving test. The tests highlight a person's understanding of road
safety and ability to drive in a safe and correct manner.
the 'L’ plates have been ripped up and a full driving licence
granted it us up to us individuals on the road to adhere to driving
laws and take responsibility for driving safe.
a driver it is one's own responsibility to drive safely, as the
safety of ourselves along with passengers, other road users and
pedestrians can be affected by our actions.
that mind as car and driving safety should be a top priority here are
a few tips on things we should remember and/or deal with to stay safe
in the roads -
are important safety features. They are designed to help protect a
driver or passenger in a collision and minimize the risk of injuries
either preventing injuries or reducing the severity of injuries. They
work but minimising the amount of contact a person has with the
interior of the vehicle as well as reducing the risk of being ejected
from the vehicle. Seatbelts are created to work with other safety
features in a vehicle such as airbags and head restraints, which will
not work as effective in keeping occupants safe if they are not
wearing a seatbelt.
a wearing seatbelt is not a 100% guarantee that injury or worse will
not happen, by wearing one you reduce the risk significantly and any
injuries are usually less serious than if you were not wearing a
seatbelt. Those who do not wear their seatbelts put themselves at a
heightened risk of severe injury or even death.
children are in car seats is also imperative to ensure their safety.
Not only is it important that they use a car seat but that the car
seat is fitted correctly and is appropriate and suitable for the
importance of wearing a seatbelt is highlighted by the fact that it
is the law in the UK to be wearing one. Passengers 14 years old or
over are legally responsible for wearing a seatbelt and for
passengers under 14 years old it is the driver’s legal
responsibility to ensure they are using an appropriate child car
seat/booster seat or a seat belt. You can be fined up to £500 if you
don’t wear a seat belt when you’re supposed to and a driver can
be fined up to £500 if a child under 14 isn’t in the correct car
seat or wearing a seatbelt while they are driving.
can greatly affect driving, both in a positive and negative way.
Tyres in good condition helps ensure a smooth ride and improves
petrol condition. On the other hand tyres that are not in good
condition and are worn or under-inflated impacts driving safety as
they reduce the ability to control the car and increase the risk of a
tyre blowing whilst driving which can be catastrophic.
part of being a responsible driver it is imperative that you check
the condition of your vehicle’s tyre on a regular basis -
tyre pressure, tread depth, overall condition ensuring there are no
defects or damage and that tyres are fit for purpose. If tyres are
worn, damaged or are close to the legal tread depth limit get tyres
at the best local prices at Iverson Tyres London Branch.
play such a vital role to safe driving that there are important and
specific legal requirements relating to their condition and
maintenance. If tyres are not fit for purpose, are different sizes on
the same axle or have passed the legal tread depth limit they will
cause your car to fail its MOT. Also if tyres are found to below the
legal minimum tread depth limit of 1.6mm in the UK the police have
the power to issue up to a £2,500 fine and 3 penalty points per
tyre. Illegal tyres can also invalidate your car insurance.
it can be hard to limit all distractions for safe driving it is
important to avoid distractions as they can increase the risk of
dangerous driving or an accident happening.
though it is not illegal to eat or drink (non alcoholic drinks) and
drive at the same time doing so can be distracting, cause
carelessness, reduce your reaction times and impact your ability to
drive in safe manner. Whilst it is no illegal to eat/drink and drive
if you are displaying lack of control of your vehicle, careless or
dangerous driving while snacking/drinking behind the wheel you risk
the police prosecuting you for careless driving.
and making a phone call can be distracting and can reduce your
concentration on the road which can impact your safety on the road.
The way you make or take a phone call depends on whether it is
illegal or not. Using a voice controlled bluetooth, hands-free mobile
phone system where you do not touch the phone at all is not illegal.
If however you touch the phone even to activate a call then you are
breaking the law. Even though a phone call can drastically reduce
concentration and be a distraction it is not the speaking that
illegal but the physical operation of your phone. Using a hand-held
mobile phone while driving is illegal and is punishable by six points
on your licence and a £200 fine.
please remember to look after your car; ensure it is in safe driving
condition, serviced regularly, MOT’d, insured and taxed. Keep safe
on the roads for your sake and the sake of passengers, other road
users and pedestrians. Keeping a car in a good roadworthy condition
and driving in a safe manner is your responsibility as a driver.
safe on the roads and enjoy your travels!
* Collaborative post *
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