2018, you might be forgiven for thinking that romance is dead –
with a myriad of dating apps, speed dating with Naturally Dating and social media meetups, the dating
world can seem daunting for many of us. It’s possible, however,
that different generations simply express their affection
differently. A recent study by eHarmony found millennials to be the
most romantic age group of all. To examine how each generation
expresses love and affection, we’ve teamed up with engagement ring
retailer Angelic Diamonds.
by age group
has shown that different generations express their love in different
* 90%
of 18-24-year olds say that they hold hands when they’re out for a
walk, 70% make sure that they go on date nights together, and 68%
enjoy making romantic gestures such as writing love notes.
* 79
% of 25-34-year olds enjoy making romantic gestures — more than any
other generation.
* 35-44-year
olds are 15% less likely to go on date nights than younger
millennials. Holding hands during walks was the most common romantic
gesture among this age group.
* 45-54-year
olds are less likely to buy their partner small gifts between
birthdays and more likely to hold hands during a walk.
* Over
50% of over 65-year olds like to go on date nights and 40% like
making romantic gestures. They were the least likely to buy gifts for
partners outside of birthdays.
agreed that it was important to let their other half know how much
they mean to them, with 68% of people across all age groups admitting
that they say “I love you” daily and 65% kissing on the mouth for
a second or two every day.

might’ve heard your parents or grandparents talk about when they
first got together — they went on a few cinema dates, perhaps
attended a dance and went out for dinner before deciding that they
were in relationship. There were no dating apps to help start up a
conversation and no option to ‘ghost’ someone by not returning
their texts — in fact, you might think that it was much more
romantic back then. But, the older generation had their dating sites
in the form of lonely hearts ads (the first one being published in
1695) and it’s likely that people still had the experience of being
stood up. So, maybe it wasn’t that different after all.
it’s the way that younger people define and recognise romance that
makes them seem less affectionate than the generation before them.
asked, all Britons agreed that the top five romantic gestures were:
holding hands (46%), cuddling (44%), giving a surprise gift (43%), a
romantic walk (32%) and giving flowers (31%). When different age
groups were asked about their opinions on historically chivalrous
acts, differences became clear. A huge 93% of over-45s believed there
was still a place for them in the 21st century, whereas 37% of 18-24
year olds disagreed. In particular, ordering for someone at a
restaurant was frowned upon and taking off a hat when entering a room
was also considered outdated.

to do if you’re looking for love
aside from following the romantic trend among your age group for
finding a significant other, what else should you do if you’re
searching for love?
be afraid to show your romantic side. One study revealed that 76% of
Britons would enjoy having more romance in their lives but 57% said
that they didn’t make romantic gestures because they didn’t want
to be seen as cheesy! It might depend on where you live, too. If you
live in the capital, definitely pull some romance out of the bag to
woo your other half — an astounding 86% of Londoners said that
they’d appreciate more romance in their lives.
when dating site, Zoosk, conducted a study of 9,000 of its users, it
discovered that when users call themselves a ‘romantic’ on their
profile, their matches increase by 24% above the average match count.
And, when the phrase ‘hopeless romantic’ was said, matches were
boosted by 38%.
deciding on a date, don’t think you have to splash out at an
expensive restaurant to impress. Three-quarters of people surveyed in
one study said that ‘snuggling in front of the fireplace’ is the
most romantic date, followed by ‘candle-lit dinners’ (58%) and a
‘picnic in the park’ (45%).
to avoid? People voted that mobile phone addiction, in particular at
the dinner table (49%), was the biggest passion-killer. Closely
followed by bad personal hygiene (45%) and rudeness (33%). So, no
Snapchat or Instagram posts over dinner!

we can see, the definition of romance has changed over time. But,
this doesn’t mean that we’re any less romantic in ourselves —
we simply have different ways of showing it. So, don’t be afraid to
let your soft side show and display some affection.
* Guest post *
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