Wednesday, 27 February 2019

7 natural remedies for incontinence

A lot of people with incontinence fear there is no resolution to the ongoing issue with their bladder. It means they stay at home and won’t attend social situations as they worry about embarrassing situations occurring. You can look into incontinence products from companies like HARTMANN Direct such as pads and pants. That way, you can continue your normal activities without worrying about leaking. Many of the long-term solutions to incontinence that doctors suggest is surgery which is a concern for people. However, you don’t always have to always go under the knife to help with incontinence issues. In fact, here are 7 natural remedies for incontinence.

Lose some weight
You might not realise but excess weight is a contributing factor to incontinence. If you are overweight, it can put extra pressure on the bladder. Therefore, you might not hold as much urine. As well as this, the muscles around the bladder are at risk meaning you won’t be able to contain the urine as well. Therefore, if you want to make a difference to your incontinence issues, you should consider losing some weight. Reducing your weight will help you to control your bladder and it’s good for your overall health too. Therefore, make changes to your diet and exercise to cut those pounds.

Cut back on caffeine
We all enjoy our daily dose of caffeine to help us through the long slog of the workday. But while you might enjoy that cup of coffee, it could be contributing to your bladder problems. It causes muscle contractions which can make you go to the toilet more often. Also, the buzz in the brain that the coffee creates can stimulate your body and make you need to go to the toilet straight away. Therefore, to help your incontinence, cut back on your caffeine intake. Find other drinks such as green tea or water that are healthier and will not irritate your bladder.

Train your bladder
You might not know that some experts recommend trying to retrain your bladder. You will find improvements when you train it by resisting the urge to empty your bladder. Leave it longer each time to ensure you can hold in your urine for longer. As it says on Always Discreet, by doing this every 3-4 hours during the day can reduce your urges within a few weeks. It’s a great way to control your bladder so that you can lead a normal life as possible.

Avoid constipation
A lot of people find that constipation and incontinence go hand in hand. After all, if you are straining to go to the toilet, it can have an impact on the muscles surrounding your bladder. In fact, people find their pelvic floor muscles weaken when they keep straining on the toilet. Therefore, if you want to help your incontinence, you should first work on making your bowel movements as normal as possible. You should take a look at your diet and remove foods which are causing the toilet trouble. Also, drinking more water will ensure you are regular so you don’t have issues with your bowels which will lead to further incontinence problems.

You might fear exercising with incontinence issues due to the worry of leaking urine while working out. But exercise is one of the best ways to work on your incontinence problems. It helps to strengthen those muscles, particularly those pelvic floor muscles which are so important to hold in your urine. Therefore, you should do some pelvic floor exercises regularly to ensure you keep those muscles in good condition. Working on strengthening your pelvic floor muscles will stop your incontinence problems taking over your life.

Add magnesium and vitamin D to your diet
Magnesium is one thing that you should add to your diet if you want to help your incontinence. As it says on, magnesium reduces bladder muscles spasms and allows the bladder to empty completely. That way, you won’t be constantly rushing to the toilet constantly. Magnesium rich foods including potatoes and bananas are good to add to your diet. You should also add foods which contain vitamin D. This vitamin helps bone health and can help you to keep those important pelvic floor muscles in good condition. Eggs, milk and fish are easy ways to get vitamin D into your diet.

Keep drinking water
You might worry that drinking more will mean more trips to the toilet. But staying hydrated will help you with your incontinence problems. Plenty of water will make sure your bladder isn’t irritated and will help you to stay healthy. Just make sure you avoid drinking lots of water before bed. Spread it across the day to stay healthy.

* Post in collaboration with HARTMANN Direct *

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