Thursday, 27 June 2019

A new addition.....

I recently shared some exciting news on twitter and Instagram but until now have not written a blog post about it. So with the news being long overdue I thought I best to pop it down on a quick little post.

As the title of this post suggests, our family is growing and we are expecting baby number 3!

A few months ago when my period was later than normal (thanks to PCOS my cycles are irregular so I can never be sure when it is expected to arrive) and a niggling suspicion I thought it might be wise to take a pregnancy test and was delighted when that second line appeared to show it was positive!

Being unsure on dates and having longer (than the average) cycles I had an internal scan at the early pregnancy unit. All was well and it was amazing seeing our little baby who was shy of 10 weeks wiggling around on the screen for the first time.

We told the boys early on and both are very excited about being big brothers to the new baby.

Lee wanted to tell his family especially his dad who is still recovering from a stroke he had 6 months ago the exciting news in person rather than over the phone or through social media. But due to the time and money it takes to make a 400 mile round trip it took a few weeks for this to happen. So out of respect for his desire to tell them in person we waited until after before sharing our news online and on the blog. As such by the time we announced the news on social media I was 15 weeks.

As the pregnancy progresses and I face coping with a pregnancy whilst being a type 2 diabetic and suffering from fibromyalgia I will be sharing my experiences of this third and final pregnancy.


  1. Congratulations! That was very considerate of you and your husband to wait so that his father could find out in person.

  2. Mellissa Williams29 June 2019 at 19:03

    Congratulations, what wonderful news! I think that was lovely of you to wait to see family in person to tell them

  3. Congratulations on your fabulous news, Telling your family first, was definitely the right thing to do.

  4. Congratulations on the news, it’s so good that the boys are excited x

  5. Awww congratulations. I had diabetes when pregnant with my last three and although it was a challenge, I managed through fine - Good Luck x

  6. Awww congratulations! How exciting to be expanding your family. Your boys look excited at becoming big brothers x

  7. Congratulations! That was very respectful of you and your partner to wait so that his father could discover in person.
