Monday, 21 December 2020

5 Fantastic Facts About Female Fertility

If you have been trying to conceive a baby for at least a year without success, you might have started to question your own or your partner’s fertility. Fertility is undoubtedly a very complex aspect of human anatomy and one that is considered quite a taboo subject. Most of us know that as a woman ages, her fertility starts to decline, but there’s so much more to it than that. While there are several different fertility treatments available, sometimes all it takes is a few lifestyle changes to improve your chances of conceiving. Understanding the facts will take you one step closer to knowing what you need to do to prepare your body for pregnancy.

  1. A Female Baby is Born with 1-2Million Eggs

This is the most eggs she will ever have. By puberty, she will have around 300,000 and, of these, only around 500 will be ovulated during her reproductive lifestyle. It is a myth that only one egg is lost with each menstrual cycle. The real number of lost eggs each month is around 3000-5000. 

  1. Eggs Grow in Shells

These are called follicles. Every month, 15-20 eggs from the pool begin to mature within their follicles. The egg chosen for ovulation is called the dominant follicle, which supresses the others in the group. As a result, they stop growing and die. 

  1. Excessive Exercise Can Prevent Pregnancy

Exercise is great in moderation but for those who are already a healthy weight, extreme exercise can actually reduce fertility because it prevents the menstrual cycle. Try and limit strenuous activity to less than four hours a week and stick to walking rather than running or aerobics.

  1. Some STIs Can Lead to Infertility

Chlamydia is one example of an STI that can cause fertility problems in women, especially if left untreated. It can leave scarring within the fallopian tubes which stops the egg from travelling to the womb. IVF might be the answer if this is the case for you, as it bypasses the need for viable fallopian tubes.

  1. Smoking While Pregnant Can Affect the Baby’s Fertility

We all know that smoking during pregnancy is a no-no, but not only can it cause birth defects and increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), it can also harm the baby’s future fertility.

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