Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Wonderful walks in the country.

Over the last few weeks before the weather before the weather got very warm Tristan and I have been going for lots of walks in the countryside.  It has been lovely walking through the beautiful country, witnessing signs of spring blossoming and the weather getting nicer.  Tristan has loved being out as he loves being in his sling or in his pushchair looking at everything as we go on our walks.  It has been so nice to get some fresh air and enjoy being outside when it isn’t freezing.

Tristan watches everything with his eagle eyes and I enjoy showing and telling him about things we see during our walks, such as the beautiful flowers blooming, the little river flowing and animals we see.  I hope the weather stays lovely for plenty more walks so that we can see lots of nature’s wonders and beautiful views.

Rainbow In March


  1. Another gorgeous picture. I'd like to walk more in the country.

  2. I love taking my little ones for country walks, and am so lucky, that where we live, we are surrounded by beautiful scenery, woodland and coastal walks x
