Saturday, 12 May 2012

The Day is Here - Little Monkeys Sing for Charity

I think it’s great for little ones to be introduced to music from a young age as I believe not only is music entertaining but it is a fantastic way for little ones to learn.  We listen to a variety of different music with little man and he loves music!!  He loves a good boogie to music, keeping him active and burning off his excess energy and actions songs help encourage movements and motor skills whilst number and rhyme songs help his numeracy skills and learn new words.

As little man loves music and I believe it has numerous benefits for little ones I would love to take him to a music group for pre-schoolers but sadly one of the draw backs of living in the sticks is that there are no such classes in my area.  A particular well known national music group appeals to me, Monkey Music, as their classes seem great for little ones.  I love the fact that Monkey Music classes are highly interactive and children learn to make music on the finest percussion instruments rather than with toy insturments.  I also think its great that they have developed age specific classes to make the experience rewarding for little ones and that children learn and thrive with friends of similar ages.  I would love to take him to Monkey Music but alas the classes are too far which is a shame as Monkey Music offer a wide variety of music classes for pre-school children.

When I heard that Monkey Music were releasing a new charity single called “The Day is Here” on the 18th of May I just had to share about it.  Because of Monkey Music not only are little ones benefiting and learning from music but a fantastic charity is also benefiting too.
'The Day is Here' Little Monkeys Sing for Charity

Monkey Music – the UK’s premium music group for pre-school children – ­has recorded a special charity song to celebrate an amazing summer of sport. Performed by young children, aged 7, 8 and 9, and written especially for Monkey Music, the Anthem, 'The Day is Here!', tells the exciting story of a running race.

‘The Day is Here’ will not only provide a fun sporting interlude during Monkey Music classes across the UK but also, by selling it online to the families and friends of Monkey Music’s 10,000 children, Monkey Music also aims to raise much needed funds for music therapy charity, Nordoff Robbins.

Nordoff Robbins is a national specialist music charity, delivering 50,000 music therapy sessions a year to a broad range of people in schools, hospitals and care homes across the UK. Their qualified music therapists specifically help people with a range of challenges including autism, dementia, mental health problems, stroke, brain injury, learning difficulties, depression and in some cases clients have threatening or terminal illness, such as cancer.

Angie Coates, Founder of Monkey Music, said;

“Both Monkey Music and Nordoff Robbins offer children fresh opportunities and life changing experiences through music. We believe that by working together we can raise awareness of the benefits of music for everyone. It’s lovely to use 2012 and the summer of sport to engage the very youngest of children in the excitement of sport and the joy of music.”

Jo Carter, Director of Fundraising & Communications Nordoff Robbins said:

“We are delighted to be working with Monkey Music, to be sharing our mutual believe in the power of music and to help raise funds to continue transforming the lives of vulnerable children and adults across the UK. As a charity we rely entirely on voluntary donations, so the Monkey Music song released this summer is a great way to raise funds and awareness.”

What’s next?

Monkey Music classes will learn ‘The Day is Here’ during their Monkey Music classes over the coming weeks. Then, from the end of May the ‘The Day is Here’ will be officially released and available to buy online with all profits going to charity.

“The Day is Here” which launches on the 18th of May can be downloaded from the Monkey Music website.  Download this fantastic song which is great for little ones to listen to and interact with and help raise money for a very good cause.  

I've been lucky enough to get a sneaky listen to this special charity song and it is a lovely song.  By buying it you get to feel good knowing that you are helping a fantastic charity.

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea that all children are born with a musical ability. I can't remember ever having any musical ability at all - I think it must have been lost very early in childhood! I do love listening to music though and now that I've read your review I'm determined to encourage Daisy to be musical. She's not quite 2 yet so she loves banging drums, blowing whistles and playing with a toy guitar. This time next year - the X factor...
