Friday, 7 December 2012

Embracing and loving outdoor fun.

I love spending time outside with little man having lots of fun exploring and having adventures. We are lucky where we live that there is lots of land to go on wonderful walks sightseeing and discovering. Little man and I go for walks numerous times a week and I love capturing our adventures and special moments with photographs. Many treasured moments have been captured from the many adventures we have had together and I look forward to many more adventures to enjoy together and cherish in my memories and photographs forever.

One of my favourite photographs is of little man having fun stomping through muddy puddles that have been left by the downpour of rain we had. It was a lovely, crisp day after the rain had gone to take a break from watering everywhere and the countryside looked for fresh and vivid with the sun shine breaking through the clouds highlighting little man in its sparkly rays.

I look forward to many more adventures and outdoor fun with little man over the coming months and years. If the snow shows her face around here, I will most definitely wrapping us up so that we are cosy warm so that we can go and enjoy the snowy countryside, I cannot wait to see what little man thinks of snow now that he is older and enjoying and embracing the new experiences we embark on together.

This post is my entry into the fabulous Thinly Spread's Festive Families Photography competition and the picture I have chosen to show us enjoying the great outdoors (even though it is not particularly festive I think it captures the innocence of enjoying the outdoors, loving life whilst embracing the joy of simple fun and experiencing new things as little man learns about the world he lives in).

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