Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Splishy splashy shenanigans.

For Bug’s birthday at the end of March his family across the border in England sent him money so that we can get him some new toys as a birthday treat.  Since his birthday the money has been snuggled safely inside Bug’s ‘piggy bank’ until we had time to hit the shops.  With our naughty little doggy going missing for over 4 days and all of us being struck down with illness until yesterday we had not had a chance to go shopping for Bug to spend his birthday money. 

As Bug loves having a stroll through the shops with mummy I did not want to order his new toys online so decided to wait until we had time and were feeling better to get busy shopping.  I decided the need to go shopping for Bug to spend his birthday money would be a great excuse to go further afield and hit the shops at Swansea so that Bug would have a wider range of toys to choose from compared to some of our local shops.  Another bonus from heading to Swansea would be that we could pop in to visit my sister at the same time as Bug loves seeing his Aunty Boo.

Once I had decided to have some Mummy and Bug time shopping at Swansea I knew we would be able to take advantage of the fact that the Boots store in Swansea is the nearest store to us that stocks a wide range of toys for pre-schoolers.  The night before we were due to have a day full of shopping and spending time with Aunty Boo I decided to have a gander on the Boots mobile app to browse the range of toys to see what was available that I thought Bug might like.

As I often use my mobile to browse websites and shop online I love that Boots have a mobile site which is described, on the Boots webpage about their Boots Mobile Site, as “a streamlined version of Boots.com that is optimised for your mobile phone”.  I love the handy mobile app which I find to be very user friendly and useful for keeping up-to-date with the offers and promotions available at Boots. 

I have used the Boots mobile app on numerous occasions, in fact before Christmas I could have been accused of stalking over-using the mobile site as I was using it a few times a day to check the stock availability of gift and toys that were out of stock in the hope of them coming back into stock for me to purchase, getting advantage card points for them and making use of the 3 for 2 promotion Boots had on the items I wanted to buy.

The Boots mobile app allows customers to access their Boots.com account, by login onto your account using the mobile site you can view your details customers can view the details and order history, plus you can view your Advantage Card points to date.  If you are not already an Advantage Card user you can sign up to Advantage Card via a page on the mobile site which also provides details of the advantages of an Advantage Card. 

As a huge fan of Boots’ Advantage Card I highly recommend signing up to get an Advantage Card which allows you to collect and save points to use to purchase items from Boots.  For every £1 you spend in store and online you collect 4 points on your Advantage Card.  As I have been a loyal and regular shopper at Boots for many years I can collected a lot of points which has allowed me to purchase a number of products at Boots to treat myself and Bug for free which is fantastic.  At Christmas I got Bug some fun toys at Boots without spending a penny thanks to Boots’ brilliant 3 for 2 promotion and the Advantage Card points I had collected from buying Bug toddler snacks, toiletries, medicines and all other essentials and products for him and the rest of the family; saving the points especially to use at Christmas to get Bug prezzies.

As I love to save money where I can and take advantage of offers I love that offers and promotions available at Boots is highlighted on the mobile site, with the offers and promotions currently available showing on numerous pages of the site including the home page in an animated, eye-catching way with the offers continuously scrolling along the screen.  As well as showing the offers and promotions on products on the home page the site also shows offers available on delivery.  In addition to the active offers on show on the screen you can also search for products via Offers which shows a large number of categories of a wide variety of offers and promotions available.

You can search for products either via browsing categories or by inputting keywords into the ‘search’ tool.  When browsing for products you can narrow your search by selecting various categories such as brand, price range, department etc.  On the mobile site you can also read detailed product information and customer reviews. 

After browsing the Boots mobile site I had lots of ideas of toys I thought Bug would love but rather than buy online I thought I would wait until our shopping trip to see what toys would catch Bug’s attention in store.

Bug was super excited when getting ready to go on our little adventure especially as he loves travelling in the car…..he was so excited he did not even acknowledge Daddy as he was keeping a close eye on Mummy to make sure she did not leave him at home and go shopping without him.  Bug loved the road trip up to Swansea; chattering away all the way there, dancing to the music blasting out of the stereo and playing with his little cars.

After a tasty lunch with Aunty Boo we headed into town together to get Bug his new toys with his birthday money and for mummy to do some retail window shopping.  Bug had lots of fun trawling the shops with Mummy and Aunty Boo, having tons of fun in Boots exploring the toys and having a little play with more than a few of them.  Not only did Bug have fun playing with the toys but Aunty Boo had fun too ‘testing’ the toys to see if they would be suitable and fun for Bug.   

Bug was a very good boy walking around the shop which made the day very enjoyable and stress-free and he was even surprisingly good and patient when Aunty Boo spend ages browsing the huge range of make-up and perfumes.

After thoroughly examining all the toys on offer as Bug is a little water baby we decided on some new bath toys.  Both Bug and I could not wait to get home to test out the new bath toys and have some splashy splashy fun.  I also hoped the new bath products I got for Bug would be good and that the Dreamtime calming bath would calm Bug down ready for bed.

Bug was that excited and pleased with his new toys he refused to let go of one of the little squirters and fell asleep with the squirter in his hand, firmly in his grasp.

The Boots Dreamtime Calming Bath created lots of glorious bubbles (even though I suspect Daddy went a tad OTT with it when running Bug’s bath).  I suspect that it may have something to do with our busy day of shopping but Bug slept like a baby last night after his bubbly dreamtime calming bath.

The Halos N Horns products smelt beautiful and the shampoo left Bug’s hair silky soft.

Even though I bought the Shampoo Rinse Cup to help rinse Bug’s hair, Bug has enjoyed playing with it and had lots of fun putting the squirters and letters into the cup.

Bug had lots of fun playing with his new toys.

The squirters are very cute bobbing amongst the bubbles.

The bath squirters have been a hit with lots of giggles and screams of delight emanating from the bathroom as Bug has squirted Mummy and been squirted by Mummy too.

The bath letters are very colourful and bright.  Bug has loved sticking them to the bath and catching them with the net.

 The little net with 4 fun and colourful friends is great fun.

Bug has loved catching things in the little net.

I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This content has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias® #CBias #SocialFabric.  All opinions are my own.


  1. I am a huge fan of the Boots card, it comes in very handy to buy lunch and special treats, such as new nail polish lol.
    Those squirters look like a lot of fun!

  2. The Boots card is great for getting little treats. Bug definitely loves the squirters and has been having lots of fun with them every time he has a bath!
