Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Time for a tuff spot tray?

I am a very creative and crafty person.  I love art and expressing myself creatively via a range of different mediums.  I think my passion for all things creative stem from my childhood.

I have fond memories of being creative with my mum and sister.  My mum enabled us to express ourselves creatively and simply have fun with art and crafts.

I love getting creative and crafty with Bug and hope that over the years we can make some fun memories together that he will look back on in years to come and reminisce about enjoyable times getting arty and crafty with his mummy.

Bug loves drawing, colouring, painting and using a variety of other arts and crafts.  I love to see him play and explore with different crafts mediums and I encourage him to simply have fun and enjoy.  I think taking part in messy creative play is a great way for little ones to learn, be creative and simply have lots of fun.

Up until now all of our creative messy play session has either been at the kitchen table or on the living room floor with a plastic, wipe-able craft sheet used as our arts and craft area to contain any mess.  During our last few messy art and craft sessions Bug and his creative juices has spilled out from our arts and craft area with his mess ending up everywhere! 

I am not bothered about any mess, in fact I encourage messy play indoors and outdoors and have lots of fond memories of seeing Bug enjoy messy play especially creative messy play and muddy messy play outdoors.   In spite of not being bothered about mess I do think it is about time that I invest in a tuff spot tray as our new arts and craft area.

I have thought about getting a tuff spot tray numerous times before as I love the idea of it being a versatile tray perfect for a variety of different play but so far not got round to getting one.  With Bug’s arts and crafts session getting a lot messier as he passionately creates his masterpieces I think now is the time to get a tuff spot tray so that our arts and crafts session can get a whole lot messier.

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