Friday, 29 November 2013

Tweeting bra Breast Cancer campaign - sponsored video.

Since losing my grandmother to breast cancer over 10 years ago breast cancer is an issue that is close to my heart.  Having lost a loved one to breast cancer I support campaigns that raise awareness of breast cancer and charities that raise money for the cause.

As I like to support breast cancer campaigns I wanted to share with you about Nestle Fitness’ latest video campaign where they are raising awareness for breast cancer and highlighting the importance of monthly breast self-check-ups.

Realising that due to busy lives some women simply forget to regularly check their breasts Nestle Fitness are aiming to remind women about the importance of regular breast self-check-ups with their innovative breast cancer campaign.

Recognising that in spite of hectic lives many women still find the time to check social media, Nestle Fitness have come up with a ground-breaking way to raise awareness for breast cancer and remind women about the significance of the monthly self-exam on the social media platform twitter with the unique Tweeting Bra.

The Tweeting Bra is the first bra that actually tweets thanks to a built-in low voltage Bluetooth unit which is installed in the hook of the Tweeting Bra so that every time the bra is unhooked and taken off the bra sends a signal to a mobile phone that notifies the serves to promptly send a tweet to raise awareness of breast cancer and remind women about the importance of monthly self-exams.

For the past two weeks, since the 19th November, Greek actress Maria Bakodimou has been wearing the Tweeting Bra and every time she has unhooked the bra a tweet has been sent from the designated @TweetingBra account to remind followers about the monthly breast self-exam.

As breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK with around 55,000 people diagnosed with breast cancer each year, around 400 of which are men (source it is vital to raise awareness of breast cancer and how regular self-exams and early detection can help improve survival rates.

Help raise awareness of breast cancer and the lifesaving message that regular breast self-check-ups are vital by following @TweetingBra and retweeting their important tweets, also keep updated with the action with the hashtag #tweetingbra.  There are also useful tips over on the Tweeting Bra website about what to look for in your self-exam.

*  This post has been sponsored *

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