I love a good competition especially when the prize is something I have been lusting after as a treat to myself, Lee or close family, or a fab prize that Bug would love. Whilst I love entering competitions for particular prizes that would be appreciated by myself or my family, the competitions I cannot resist entering are those with a gift card or cash prize so that we can buy whatever we fancy, or put it towards our Christmas/birthday fund.
As I love competitions with cash prizes and am I a lovely, sharing kind of gal I wanted to tell you all about an interesting ‘write-a-review' competition to celebrate the new e-book 'The Money Press'. This competition on www.cashreview.co.uk is a little different from standard fill in a form competitions and has an impressive prize of a whopping £500!

To enter the competition and have a chance of winning the prize of £500 all you need to do is -
* Go to the Amazon kindle store and buy a copy of the e-book ‘The Money Press' by Joey Moncrief for £1.83.
* Read the e- book filled with Joey Moncrief's money making tales.
* Write a review of the e-book in no less than 50words and no more than 500 words.
* Email your review to joeysbook@aol.com along with your full name and postal address (do not publish your review on Amazon- if you wish to review the e-book on Amazon re-word your review).
All reviews entered into the competition will be passed onto an independent judge who will select the winning review.
Competition closes on Wednesday 15th October 2014.
Full details of the competition along with the terms and conditions can be found here.
So if you fancy winning £500 go buy your copy of The Money Press and get your review written and emailed.
Good luck!
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