Monday, 20 October 2014

Help your pets this fireworks season - win an Adaptil Calming Diffuser for Dogs with PetShopBowl.

As the nights are drawing and a wintery chill fills the air we are fast approaching fireworks season.  Whilst the colourful fireworks with their loud explosions may be mesmerizing and awe-inspiring for us humans our animal friends can be left scared and unsettled by the unpredictable loud noises that resonate for miles around on fireworks night.

The unpredictable loud noises of fireworks can have a strong effect on pets causing them fear and stress. The noise of fireworks can cause various stress reactions for pets such as withdrawing into themselves, hiding away, wanting to escape from the noise which may lead to them injuring themselves in the panic, soiling the house or shivering with fear.

The following tips may help make fireworks night a calm, safe and less frightening night for you and your pets especially if you know your pet/s hates the noise of fireworks night –
* keep animals inside
* create a hiding place for your pet to snuggle in
* prepare for unusual behaviour and don’t get angry with your pet
* close windows and curtains
* if your pet is used to the sound of the TV/music turn it on to help muffle the sound of fireworks (but not on too loud)
* if you have small pets partly cover their cage/pen with a blanket to help sound proof from the fireworks but make sure they can still look out if they want to and provide extra bedding so your pet can burrow and hide

Realising the importance of keeping pets happy and calm during fireworks night PetShopBowl – a nationwide pet food home delivery company – stock Adaptil and Feliway to help keep your pet calm and happy during firework season.

Being the kind, pet loving company that they are PetShopBowl are kindly offering one of my readers a little help in keeping their pet calm and happy on fireworks night this year thanks to the great giveaway prize they are supplying to one lucky winner… Adaptil Calming Diffuser for Dogs (48ml).

A description of Apdatil Calming Diffuser for Dogs as seen on the PetShopBowl website can be read below -
“The Adaptil Diffuser is a discrete plug-in which bathes the home in a synthetic copy of the ‘canine appeasing pheromone’, a natural product proven to comfort both puppies and adult dogs. Diffuser is great for:
* settling new puppies in the home
* calming more than one dog in the home
* during fireworks

Adaptil can also be used under direction from a vet or behaviourist and alongside training to help in the management of clinical behaviour problems such as separation anxiety, noise fear, etc.
Adaptil is not recommended for use in cases of hyperactivity.”

The Prize.

If you want to try Adaptil Calming Diffuser for Dogs this fireworks night to help give your dog a calm and happy fireworks night  you can purchase a diffuser on the PetShopBowl for the current price of £26.10 (RRP £34.66).

PetShopBowl have a full range of products available on the PetShopBowl website and they are also on Facebook and Twitter too!

For the chance to win an Adaptil Calming Diffuser for Dogs the mandatory entry requirement is to provide your email address to sign up to the PetShopBowl newsletter. Additional optional entries can then be gained to give you a better chance of winning. 

Please note for the winner to have a better chance of receiving the prize in time for Bonfire Night please can the winner respond asap with their details, preferably before the 31st of October 2014 so that PetShopBowl can deliver the prize in time.

To be in with a chance of winning all you need to do is sign up to the PetShopBowl mailing list by using this Rafflecopter form below.

Good luck!!
Important bits and Terms & Conditions.
* The email address provided for the mandatory entry will be signed up to the PetShopBowl newsletter– entrants can opt-out of the at a later date if they wish to do so by using the unsubscribe button on the newsletter emails.
* If you are commenting anonymously/with a different name please comment with your name so that your entry can be verified, anonymous comments with no name will not be valid
* All entries that do not complete the requirements stated in the entry will be disqualified and removed from the prize draw before the winner is drawn
* The prize draw is only open to residents of the UK and over 18’s
* Only one entry per household
* This prize draw ends at 12.00pm GMT on Sunday the 26/10/2014
* Winner is chosen at random using Rafflecopter from all valid entrants and will be announced after the prize draw has closed
* I will email/tweet the lucky winner within 7 days of the closing date to request their name and address to pass onto the PR Company who will arrange delivery of the prize
* Once a winner has been drawn I will allow at least 28 days for a reply.  If I do not hear anything within a reasonable time period after 28 days I reserve the right to redraw a winner
* This prize draw is hosted on behalf of PetShopBowl who are the promoters of this giveaway and who are responsible for sending out the prize to the lucky winner 
* Entrants must log in via Rafflecopter (using your Facebook account or using your name and email address) and answer the question/request in the widget -  this is the ONLY mandatory task.  You can gain extra entries in the draw by completing the optional entries for extra points (e.g. tweeting a link to the giveaway) …..the more points accumulated will provide a better chance of winning
* If no form is showing hit refresh (f5) and it should appear
* If you have any difficulties entering please do not hesitate to contact me on


  1. Distraction - I find a chew or a ball filled with treats can help a little.

  2. make sure they have a cosy safe place in the house

  3. "Forever Lost" - I commented.

  4. Close the curtains, put the tv on and give your pet a treat or favourite toy!

  5. Companionship :- Human companionship, as pet's don't know to expect noise etc at a particular time of year (e.g. 5th November). Unfortunately some people use fireworks on other dates also. So it can be difficult to plan for those occasions. Maybe more awareness / consideration /empathy and Respect is required. Maybe Official Organised Events could be enjoyed by the majority, thus reducing unofficial, unexpected firework occasions.

    Rachel Craig

  6. I commented on Little Chief's Bandana Bib review.

    Rachel Craig

  7. Keep the curtains drawn and the tv on.

  8. I put some music on, draw the curtains and stay with my dog - she gets really stressed on bonfire night, but she's much better if she can see me.

  9. I distract my dog by playing with her. I also turn up the TV to drown out the noise.

  10. Turn the TV up make sure the windows are closed and the house is a few degrees warmer and give your dog a drink of milk to make him/her sleep - It really does work!

  11. laura jayne bates22 October 2014 at 20:08

    put radio on favourite blanket

  12. make sure they have a snuggly cosy place of there own to retreat to

  13. Leave the radio on when you go out to give the animal/s a little distraction/comfort

  14. I give my dog lots of reassuring cuddles

  15. I won't allow Hudson in the garden by himself, also he has a heavy thick blanket over him which sometimes he will crawl under & we have the tv on to try & distract him from the bangs.

  16. I have commented on

  17. keep them in a rroom with you or a family member snug with something they like to play with or eat to help keep them occupied

  18. I close the curtains & let mine get all cosy on the sofa with us whilst we watch a movie, they are so happy about being on the sofa they don't hear it xx

  19. Keep the curtains closed and stay with them

  20. Play music to drown out the bangs

  21. Leave radio on for the evenings leading up to Bonfire Night, close curtains early and stay in with them and try and make it as calm as possible

  22. Just lots of cuddles and reassurance x

  23. turn tv up close curtains and snuggles and treats :)

  24. have tv on, curtains closed and lots of toys to distract

  25. Lots of cuddles and kisses.

  26. the BEST bit of advice we got which made a massive difference for our dog is not to react yourself to the fireworks. The first year every time there was a big bang we'd tell our pooch it was ok and try and console him which was a big mistake as he knew something was wrong. now we just ignore the noise completely and eventually so will your pet (hopefully!) these diffusers do help though

  27. turn tv up a little louder & snuggle on the sofa! close curtains & shut all the windows.

  28. I leave mine in my room, under the bed. I shut the curtains and watch TV in bed, really loudly to drown out the noises. Poor thing, it must be so horrible for them!

  29. I put some music on, draw the curtains and stay with my dog

  30. Close curtains/blinds & turn up tv.

  31. Turn the tv up and give them cuddles

  32. Stay with them but provide them with somewhere to hide - eg make a bed under the table if they feel happier there.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. not sure where my original comment went so il redo
    this is our first year having a dog we ahve a beautiful 7 mth old puppy called poppy
    i have been thinking about this as im quite worried so its been fab reading the comments here and one of these would certainly help and id feel more comfortable knowing i was doing my best to help her and keep her calm , i have decided i will be sat in the upstairs bedroom with her curtaons closed and the tv on we will have her favorite blanket toys and a few treats to help , and i just hope she dosent get to scared and im able to reassure her and keep her calm and try not to stress to much :) x

  35. Put something loud on the tv to drown out the whistles and bangs

  36. Keep the tv on and distract with food. ;

  37. the only thing I've found gives my dog some comfort is to put one of my T-shirts on her. Not sure why it works but it does!

  38. a couple of drops of lavender oil near is bed helps

  39. have the tv on louder- plug in a diffuser and give them plenty of fuss and playing with a toy.

  40. I also have commented on Kids First Aid Kit.

  41. If things get really bad - and she's not scared but does bark herself inside out with them! - then a drive in the car breaks the spell and she's a lot better. It works for us anyway!

  42. I just try and stay with him in one room, with the radio on. He soon calms down.

    @smeethsaysfashn on twitter

  43. We're going to take our two pups for an early walk, then watch quite noisy TV with the curtains closed, keeping everything as normal as possible

  44. Close the curtains have nice things on the TV. Be at home to give them loveies and a few extra treats

  45. Make your dog a tent under a chair or sofa using a blanket the small dark space makes the feel more secure. I also leave the t.v or radio on.
