Friday, 10 July 2015

Cheesy spring onion and cherry tomato scrambled eggs - #happyeggstastemakers

The Happy Egg Co. has partnered with award-winning nutritional therapist Christine Bailey with a challenge to create a healthy and nutritious recipe. 

As I near the end of my pregnancy where my energy levels are precious I decided to stick with a simple and easy to make recipe – scrambled eggs.

Whilst it may not be the most innovative of recipes it allows me to enjoy the nutritious benefits of eggs and their tastiness without having to create a more complex recipe.

Another benefit of simple yet tasty scrambled eggs is that it is a great, quick meal to enjoy on these warmer days when my energy levels are low thanks to the heat and being heavily pregnant. Eggs are also considered some of the best foods to eat to win during pregnancy….win, win!

To give my scrambled eggs a touch more tastiness and nutrition I decided to add a hint of cheddar cheese, juicy cherry tomatoes and fresh spring onions.

* small knob butter or dash of olive oil
* 2 spring onions, finely chopped
* 2 Happy Egg Co. eggs, beaten
* 3-4 cherry tomatoes, halved
* small chunks of cheddar cheese
* sprinkle of salt and pepper for seasoning
1 slice toast

* Heat the butter or oil in a medium sized frying pan.
* Add the spring onions and cook, stirring constantly for about 1 minute.
* Stir in the seasoned and beaten eggs along with the cherry tomatoes and small pieces of cheddar cheese. Mix everything together.
* Gently stir the eggs for about 2 minutes (or until you have cooked the eggs to your liking).
* Once cooked serve the cheesy spring onion and cherry tomato scrambled eggs with the toast.

The Taste 100 Healthy Eating Recipe Challenge is in partnership with The Happy Egg Company and Christine Bailey #happyeggtastemakers


  1. sounds so yummy - and easy! i usually just make plain, boring scrambled egg but i'll have to give this a go!

  2. Thanks. I always find it tasty to add a little something extra to scrambled eggs.
