Saturday, 8 August 2015

Win a set of Kegel Pelvic Exercise Weights from JD Harris.

Whilst pregnant for a second time with Jelly Bean, the importance of pelvic floor exercises has once again come into the forefront with the midwives kindly reminding me of the significance of strengthening those vital muscles.

After I was pregnant the first time round with Bug, in spite of religiously doing my pelvic floor exercises I saw little benefit and my pelvic floor was not as strong as they had once been. 

As my pelvic floor muscles are far from being as strong as they once were and are under strain in my second pregnancy, with me being very nervous of laughing too hard, coughing or sneezing during my pregnancy with Jelly Bean I have been looking into effective ways to strengthen my pelvic floor muscles so that I regain those strong pelvic muscles.

Thanks to JD Harris I think I may have found the help needed to strengthen my pelvic floor muscles so that I can hopefully laugh, sneeze and cough without being terrified of having an accident.

JD Harris’ Kegel Pelvic Exercise Weights are the natural way to build strong pelvic floor muscles in just 15 minutes a day, being the perfect and lasting solution to mild incontinence.
What are pelvic exercise weights?
Kegel Pelvic Exercise Weights are designed to precisely exercise the muscles in your pelvis, making them more effective that the traditional female pelvic floor exercises where you regularly crunch the appropriate muscles – often in a random and inefficient manner. As there are many separate muscle groups in your pelvic area the wrong muscles can be being strengthened, as such your pelvic floor muscles may not be being strengthened and mild incontinence not helped. By using Kegel Pelvic Exercise Weights you are only developing strength in the correct pelvic muscles, making the weights the best way to exercise those vital muscles effectively and easily.

Not only are Kegel Pelvic Exercise Weights beneficial to improving mild incontinence, they are reported to having a positive effect for your sex life too, with users describing better sexual performance and a boost to their libido after using the weights for a while.

To give users the maximum benefit, JD Harris’ Kegel Pelvic Exercise Weights come in 6 different weights. Even though they are different weights the pelvic exercise weights are all the same, comfortable small size. The 6 weights are colour coded to that they are easy to recognise and use – 
* 25g White
* 40g Rose
* 55g Pink
* 70g Magenta
* 85g Violet
* 95g Plum
How to use -
Using the Kegel Pelvic Exercise Weights is incredibly easy and can be used at any-time that suits you; you can even use them when going about your daily routine. To use the weights you start with the smallest one, by slipping it into your vagina and then attempting to keep it in place for 2 minutes by contracting your pelvic muscles.

If you can hold the lightest weight for 2 minutes with ease, move onto the next weight. The heaviest weight that you cannot hold in place for 2 minutes is your ‘starter weight’.

Using your ‘starter weight’ you practice holding this weight in place, every day for a full 15 minutes which will strengthen and exercise your vital pelvic muscles.

After a few weeks use the benefit of your pelvic muscles exercises will start to show as you improve your muscle tone from the exercise routine. As time progresses and you regularly exercise you can gradually move onto the next weight up, moving through the weights until all 6 six weights have been used.

Dr Christoph Weismeyer, the inventor of JD Harris’ kegel weights says -  
"Vaginal weights have been around for a very long time and are one of the best researched tools for strengthening the pelvic floor. Weights are popular with physicians and physical therapists. Since weights have been around for a while we know pretty well what types of people can benefit the most from this therapy.
"First, weights are a really effective tool for women with weak to moderate pelvic floor strength (as long as they do not have pelvic prolapse).
"Secondly, weights have been successfully linked to the management of mild to moderate stress urinary incontinence. In contrast to surgery and medication, which are the main two treatment options for urinary incontinence. Exercising with vaginal weights is non-invasive and carries no risk for side-effects.
"Last but not least there is research that shows that weights help women get their pelvic floor muscle back on track after childbirth (vaginal delivery).
"The Kegel Exercise Weights (named after Dr. Kegel, who promoted pelvic floor exercise in America in the 1950s and 1960s) have the highest range of weights as they range from 25 grams to 95 grams. This makes this set more versitile than many other sets. Most competing sets only go to a maximum weight of 60 grams to 75 grams. Also this set consists of 6 individual weights compared to most other sets that have 2,4 or 5 weights. The bigger range means that this set will remain useful longer, when pelvic floor strength improves and it can be more of a challenge in the mornings, when the pelvic floor is rested and generally able to perform better.
"Thus overall, the Kegel Exercise Weights represent an excellent choice for women who either suffer from incontinence or who simply want to improve the strength of their pelvic floor."

Simply put, JD Harris’ Kegel Pelvic Exercise Weights have these key benefits -
* Effective, non-surgical treatment for mild female incontinence
* Strengthen pelvic floor
* Just 15 minutes a day
* Perfect for post-childbirth pelvic floor restoration
* Can improve sexual performance and satisfaction for both partners
* Completely natural – no side effects
* Weights are manufactured to the highest clinical standards of safety and comfort

If you could do with some help to exercise and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, you can purchase the Kegel Pelvic Exercise Weights on the JD Harris website for a great price.

Or you could chance your luck and try to win a set here.

JD Harris have kindly offered a set of their Kegel Pelvic Exercise Weights as a prize for one lucky reader.

The Prize
1 x JD Harris Kegel Pelvic Exercise Weights (RRP £29.95).
For the chance to win a JD Harris Kegel Pelvic Exercise Weights set complete the rafflecopter below – 

Good luck!!

Important bits and Terms & Conditions.
* This prize draw is hosted on behalf of JD Harris who are the promoters of this giveaway and who are responsible for running the rafflecopter, selecting the winner, contacting the winner and sending out the prize

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic giveaway.After having 3 children my pelvic muscles are very weak and I would love to have the opportunity to give these a try. Im sure they would make a great difference and also make me feel more confident when out and about
