Sunday, 6 September 2015

Back to school.

This year has been packed full of excitement and change. July in particular was an eventful month with a lot going on­ ­with the two most exciting things happening being Bug leaving nursery at school in preparation for moving to the reception class at school this September and Jelly Bean being born.

With changes happening in school, having a baby in the house and the fact that Bug is growing up to be a big boy, Bug has recently taken an interest in how we all go from being babies to children and then grown-ups. With Bug’s interest in babies at an all-time high he has been talking a lot about when he was a baby as well as asking about when mummy and daddy were little. Along with asking about when mummy and daddy were little he has a fascination with looking at photographs of us when we were little.

With school at the forefront of his mind as well as loving the photographs of us as babies he also loves the photographs of us at school.

When I was in primary school my small rural welsh school did not have a school uniform, the small group of children at the school simply wore their own clothes. As Bug has worn a school uniform for well over a year now during his time in the nursery class at school Bug cannot fathom the fact that I never wore a school uniform at school. He finds it unreal that I wore my own clothes every day to school.

He finds it bizarre that I never had a school uniform – he has even said that not wearing a school uniform is naughty.

The questions about why myself and my sister along with the other children never wore a school uniform are never ending.

But mummy why didn’t you wear a school uniform everyday apart from dressing up days for your favourite book?

Did you wear a school uniform for school parties instead of dressing up like I do?

Have you ever had a school uniform?

Pictures of me wearing a school uniform when I was in secondary school (me on the left below) seem to appease Bug’s insistence that school means you SHOULD wear a school uniform.

As I never had a school uniform when I was in primary school Bug thinks that if I went back to school I would most definitely have to have a school uniform so I am like him and his friends at school, so he set about creating a school uniform for me.

Debenhams Girl's red peplum school cardigan – because red is my favourite colour and you would look pretty in it.

Debenhams Pack of two girl's grey bootcut school trousers – grey trousers just I have for school but girl’s grey trousers mum.

Debenhams Pack of two girl's white pure cotton school polo shirts – white polo shirts like I have for my school uniform mum.

Star by Julien Macdonald Designer girl's black faux fur collar padded coat – you’ve got to have a coat mum for cold days so you don’t get ill.

Debenhams Girl's black leather mary jane school shoes – some shoes with a flower for you mum because you like flowers.

Disney Frozen Blue girl's 'Disney's Frozen' heart backpack – because you like Frozen don’t you mummy like me and my friends?

With Bug's help I know if I did go back to school I would look the part.

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