Thursday 10 November 2016

Weaning journey

Now that Jelly Bean is just shy of 16 months old it has been about a year since he started weaning and had his first taste of food.

His journey began with a first taste of baby rice. From that first taste he has experienced a huge range of tastes and textures as he explored the world of food.

As Jelly Bean started weaning a little earlier than 6 months (based on advice from his health visitor) we started off with a more traditional weaning process using purees then once he turned 6 months old we combined puree feeding with baby led feeding where he explored finger foods.

What I loved most about the weaning stage was seeing Jelly Bean try new tastes and textures, watching his reaction to the new food and seeing him have fun with food.

Having progressed from purees and exploring finger foods (lots of playing with and small bites) he is now eating family meals, where he is eating his own portion size of meals such as his big brother. He looks so big and proud to be sat at the table next to his big brother and eating the same food as him. His favourite meals are Sunday Roast, Spaghetti Bolognese and the odd cheeky pizza.

During his weaning journey we have been part of the HiPP Organic wean team. Jelly Bean lucky to be sent lots of lovely samples of HiPP Organic food to try - HiPP Organic has the biggest assortment in baby food, with more than 140 products including milks, cereals, pouches, tray meals and jars, covering every stage of baby’s development. You can view the whole range on the HiPP website

Being part of the wean team also meant we benefited from expert advice that helped us along the weaning journey.

As the experts in organic baby food, HiPP knows the importance of eating tasty, wholesome food, using only the very finest ingredients full of nutritious goodness. HiPP has some useful tips to help you if you are weaning your little one. If you’re in the first four weeks of weaning, this handy guide could also help you out.

HiPP Organic has the biggest assortment  As the experts in organic baby food, HiPP knows the importance of eating tasty, wholesome food, using only the very finest ingredients full of nutritious goodness. HiPP has some useful tips to help you if you are weaning your little one.  If you’re in the first four weeks of weaning, this handy guide could also help you out.

As we near the end of the wean team journey with HiPP Organic, they have gathered some of the wean team’s experiences and advice along with favourite products to create this infographic -

We have loved being part of the HiPP Organic wean team especially as it has been amazing to have their expert advice. I can’t believe how quickly the time has gone and that the weaning stage has passed and that Jelly Bean eats family meals like a big-little boy now rather than spoonfuls of pureed food.

Weaning for the second time around has been just as much fun as when we weaned big brother Bug and it has been a delight seeing Jelly Bean discover exciting new flavours and experience new textures to become the good little eater he is today.

If you are about to start weaning your baby I would say that it is helpful to follow baby's cues, try to remember all babies are different and it may be a slower process for some compared to others, relax and embrace the mess!

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