Wednesday, 7 December 2016

5 web design tips for creating a good website

I’ve been blogging about 4 and a half years or so now. Before then the world of blogs and web design was alien to me. When Bug was a mere few months old when looking for some information about all things baby on the world wide web I stumbled across a few parenting blogs and soon found myself regularly reading them. 

Then suddenly one day I idea of creating and writing my own blog became appealing and before I knew it I was researching how to make a blog. This blog was then born, first named Bumps 2 Babies and then later on when I found my feet a little renamed Where Roots And Wings Entwine.

Over the years I have learnt lots about blogging, social media and web design. The once alien world of things like HTML and seo are now no longer completely unknown to me and I have learnt the basics.

Whilst I have learnt a lot, I am far from proficient and am still a rookie in many respects. As I cannot boast expert web design skills and my blog has a lot of work that needs doing on it I have been researching web design tips to help me work on my blog in the upcoming year.

As my research on successful web design is ongoing I thought I would put pen to paper so to speak and make a note of the tips that I have come across to help me and what I hope to implement (if I haven’t already) in the future.

Make the fold count
It is said that most people spend most of their time above the fold on web pages (the part of the page that shows on the screen without scrolling down). With that in mind it is important to make your fold count. Having the main content, making an impact and having menus and call-to-action elements in the fold of your web page is worthwhile.

Easy to navigate
Having a search box is a must for a good website so that visitors can search for content.For visitors who prefer to browse it is worthwhile making sure your menu is easy to find and use. 

Clean and clutter-free
So as not to annoy visitors and readers it can be advantageous to avoid having pop-ups and too many banners, badges and ads on the web page. By having things a little more simplistic and clutter-fee will also ensure that blog posts and important content or badges/sign ups are showcased and easily seen.

Easy to read fonts
There’s no point having amazing content if it cannot be read easily. When looking at font style and size it is important to bear that in mind. It is worthwhile considering if the font you chose is supported by major web browsers too because if it isn’t then another font will be used instead which could not work well on your site.

Mobile friendly
In this day and age where people use all manner of devices with different screen sizes to visit websites it is important to look and if your site is mobile friendly. Having a mobile friendly site that looks just as good on a small screen or mobile as it does on a browser will be helpful for readers and good for your site.

Hopefully in the new year I will have the time to dedicate to improving my site with making it mobile friendly top of the list! And if I get stuck and need some professional expertise to help me out I can always call on Tekfirst who provide web designing services in Harrogate.

Do you have any simple web design tips to help improve a website? 

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