can befall us at any place or time. We cannot foresee unexpected
events that happen due to chance. We are prone to misfortunes like
sustaining cuts on our fingers while we chop fruits or tumbling on a
wet floor. Quite often, such mishaps can lead to serious injuries.
However, you can exercise caution and dodge a number of such

are most likely to happen in the bathroom or toilet where there is a
high chance of water spilling on to the floor. However, you are
equally likely to stumble in any other part of the house. If you’re
not careful while filling your bathtub for instance, it may result in
an overflow quickly. If you are unaware and rush into the bathroom to
stop further wastage, you may slip and endure an injury.
to the Australia Bureau of Statistics, accidental falls caused the
highest number of deaths in household. The number exceeded other
categories like vehicle collisions and assault. Of course, people
must be careful when they see spilled liquids, whether it is water in
the bathroom or a drink on the kitchen floor. This is important
because such injuries typically affect those who are either too young
or too old.
both cases, residents are urged to exercise due caution. They should
be cautious in shower stalls and stair cases in particular. They can
also use TripSafe, a sensible means to make their environment secure.
common setback that inhabitants face is lacerations and wounds. The
main issue is that these disasters happen in our everyday lives
during mundane activities. You might be in the kitchen piercing
through several vegetables in quick succession. If you are using a
sharp knife and are not careful, you might suffer from a gash on your
skin while slicing food.
is likely to be blood, which is never welcome. If you’re injured,
you may need to apply pressure to the cut to stem the bleeding. An
antiseptic must be applied while stitches may be needed as well.
is a by-product of potential injuries suffered within your home. An
ice pack must be pressed gently against the affected area to
alleviate the pain. If the pain persists and there are no signs of
healing, then a doctor must be consulted.
there is fire, there is a possibility of burns. Dropping a hot
beverage or being exposed to the fire on the cooking hob can
genuinely harm anyone at the receiving end. When using items like the
stove, iron and hair straightener, people should be very careful. You
may touch the frying pan accidentally drop heated water on yourself
by mistake.
they must monitor their children at all times around these items. If
anyone endures such an injury, they are advised to hold the burn in
cold water constantly for ten minutes and then assess whether a
doctor is required.
more severe cases, fires may also happen in the house. These would
cause smoke inhalation at the very least and death in the worst case
scenario. This can be averted by not leaving your stove unattended or
leaves wires and electrical panels exposed.
in all, it is apparent that places like the bathroom and kitchen can
claim lives if we are not careful. There is definite scope for danger
in these areas which is why residents must be attentive at all times.
* Guest post *
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