is fast evolving and now, kids of all ages seem to be getting
involved with everything from tablets and phones, to social media and
smart TVs. But what effect is this having on their social and
physical wellbeing?

impact of devices and online platforms has whipped up heated debates
for many years, with some experts stating that technology causes poor
communication skills and reduced physical activity, and others
claiming that gadgets can help kids keep in touch with peers and
boost physical fitness. Here, we explore the effects of technology on
children’s health and ability to socialise…
use of kids in the UK
According to BARB — Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board — as of the end
of 2017, 11.54 million households owned one television set, while
8.66 million had two, 4.11 million owned three, and 1.75 million had
four. Another recent survey by Samsung found that UK households also
have on average 18 smart devices — including mobiles, tablets and
TVs — while other research has forecasted that iPad use will
increase to 18.1 million users by 2019. Although this data doesn’t
indicate how much time parents and guardians allow their kids to
consume technology, it at least suggests that most kids at least have
access to several devices regularly in their homes. For some people,
this opportunity can make it easier for youngsters to opt for
sedentary activities, rather than playing sports or physical games,
which could impact negatively on their physical fitness.
what about emerging technologies? Smart speakers, like Amazon’s
Alexa and Microsoft’s Cortana, are growing in popularity in the UK.
Futuresource found that there was a global year-on-year increase of
212% in smart speakers in 2017, with the UK and US estimated to be
the key markets — accounting for an approximate 89%. Clearly, UK
families enjoy their gadgets, and smart speakers offer a quick and
easy way to access information. Although smart speakers are
convenient and can help children learn facts quickly, do they also
remove the need for kids to explore ideas when they have an answer
only a spoken question away — and could this impact on their
ability to debate and discuss ideas with peers?
impact of technology on social skills
it comes to socialising, many people advocate the use of technology.
Platforms like Facebook and Twitter allow kids to maintain
relationships with friends who perhaps live many miles away, while
programs like Skype help teachers conduct one-to-one tuition sessions
in a virtual classroom. From a safety perspective, smartphones also
allow kids to easily keep in touch with their parents when they
aren’t in their care, which is certainly a bonus. What’s more, a
report by Unicef discovered that technology helped kids boost their
existing relationships with friends, while also assisting those who
struggled to socialise easily in person.
there are advantages of allowing a close relationship between kids
and technology, many still claim that overuse can be detrimental.
Research carried out at Newcastle University found that primary
school kids who consumed up to three hours of television a day grew
up to be better communicators at secondary school. However, watching
any more than three hours was believed to lead to poorer linguistic
skills. Bad communication could significantly impact our kids’
ability to make connections, participate in the classroom and promote
themselves during university and first-job interviews — so how much
TV are our kids watching? According to an Ofcom 2017 media use report:
* 96%
of 3-4-year-olds watch TV on a TV set for 15 hours a week.
* 95%
of 5-7-year-olds watch TV on a TV set for 13.5 hours a week.
* 95%
of 8-11-year-olds watch TV on a TV set for 14 hours a week.
* 91%
of 12-15-year-olds watch TV on a TV set for 14.5 hours a week.
these statistics might indicate that children aren’t consuming more
than the three-hour-a-day limit per week, this report also showed
that more than 48% of each age group — 90% in the 12-15-year-old
category — also watched YouTube videos on top of TV. The advances
in technology now mean that kids can consume visual content on
multiple platforms, not just the TV set, which makes ensuring that
children are receiving the right amount of real-life conversation
more difficult.
are many theories regarding how the use of technology can affect
communication and socialisation in children. Melissa Ortega, a child
psychologist at the Child Mind Institute in New York, claims that
children use their phones as an “avoidance strategy” and can have
trouble initiating “those small talk situations”. Similarly, Dr.
Jenny Radesky of Boston Medical Center, states that kids “learn by
watching,” and suggests that if they aren’t engaging in physical
socialisation, keeping their eyes instead on their smartphones and
tablets, then they are missing out on important communication
development stages.
technology may affect children’s physical health
the impact of technology on kids’ social skills has arguments for
and against — but what is the consensus when it comes to its effect
on physical health? As we’ve seen from the above figures, most
children are engaging with technology for several hours a week —
which could be time spent enjoying physical activities. According to
the Ofcom report:
* 53%
of 3-4-year-olds go online for 8 hours a week.
* 79%
of 5-7-year-olds go online for 9 hours a week.
* 94%
of 8-11-year-olds go online for 13.5 hours a week.
* 99%
of 12-15-year-olds go online for 21 hours a week.
a lot of time spent engaging in a sedentary activity. Worryingly,
only 9% of parents claim that their children (aged 5-16 years)
achieve the government’s recommendation of one hour a day of
physical activity. 60 minutes is reportedly the least amount of time
needed to maintain good health, however, it appears that the trend
for social media, video games, YouTube, Netflix and other technology
may be causing a reduction in physical activities.
how do we know that it is technology that is causing a decrease in
physical health? Since the major advances in technology have been
recent, we could look at childhood fitness in previous generations.
The World Health Organization has reported that the number of obese
young adults aged 5-19 years has risen tenfold in the past 40 years.
Although diet and education may also be to blame, technology should
arguably also be held partially accountable for this global problem.
the other hand, many say that tablets and online platforms in fact
encourage physical activity in kids. YouTube is packed with tutorial
videos that can help kids get into and practice a particular sport,
while games like Nintendo Wii combine the virtual world with physical
movement. Then, you have a host of engaging, child-friendly apps for
everything from yoga to running that are designed to get kids off the
sofa, plus plenty of after-school sports clubs that have Facebook and
Twitter accounts to persuade kids surfing online to join.

there are online opportunities to get kids more active, so could it
be that we’re simply missing them?
to encourage physical activity and social interaction
seen that there are pros and cons on both sides when it comes to
technology’s effect on social and physical wellbeing. Fighting a
battle against technology might be impossible, so here are some tips
on getting children engaging in physical activities to boost their
fitness and social skills:
* Think
of fun group activities that your kids can work at and improve in —
such as skiing lessons.
* Ask
your kids not to use phones at the table during mealtimes, so that
you can make time for conversation.
* Look
through the App Store on your child’s phone together to find apps
that encourage physical activity — that way, they get to keep their
phone while moving more.
* Walk
or cycle to school together.
* Take
your child and their friends bowling, swimming or to a soft-play
venue once every few weeks.
* Organise
a family hike somewhere different one weekend every month.
* Check
out what clubs your child’s school offers and ask if they want to
get involved — this could be sport-based or not, as long as it gets
them off their tablets and socialising.
* Ban
your child from taking their smartphones and tablets to bed with them
to limit the time they spend online before going to sleep — the
blue light emitted from devices harms sleep quality which is vital to
technology has appeared to negatively impact on children’s social
and physical health at times, it can also clearly be a support.
Devices are fine if not overused, so limit your child’s time and
incorporate some of the above tips into your family life to ensure
that the rising trend for technology doesn’t mean your child misses
developing socially and physically.
* This
article was researched and created by Chill Factore, which offers
lift passes to the UK’s longest indoor real snow slope *
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