Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Designer kids clothing

As the boys grow older I have seen their own special traits and characteristics flourish. Their unique characters shine through and they are develop strong opinions about their likes and dislikes. One area of life where I have really noticed them voicing their likes and dislikes is clothing.

Bug in particular has developed a strong sense of style. He is at an age where he wants to dress in clothes that he likes. No longer is he satisfied with me choosing and buying all his clothes, he now wants to be involved and enjoys shopping for new items of clothing that suits his style and existing wardrobe.

Bug loves shirts, sportswear, denim shorts and fashionable printed tees - character clothing no longer allowed on this trendy kid. He usually opts for darker clothing or subtle light colours and avoids bright, vivid colours. 

He also has a fondness for branded and designer clothes. Thankfully he is very precious about his clothes and looks after them so they last well and apart from the odd growth spurt is not growing out of clothes so quickly anymore especially in comparison to his younger brother.

The only downside of a love of kids designer clothing is finding it. The high street offers little choice so I tend to pop online to satisfy his desire for designer clothing. Needing a few key items of clothing ready for the summer and our holiday in August I am tempted to have a huge splurge on OD’s Designer Clothing junior clothing range. Here are a few of Bug’s favourite items of designer clothing -

Boys Armani Junior T-Shirt - Armani Junior Denim Shorts - Boys Neil Barrett Sweat Shorts - Boys True Religon Rocco Jeans Boys True Religion Shattered Track Hoody - Boys Neil Barrett Lightning Bolt Print T-Shirt - Boys Boss Trainers

As Bug loves shorts and the we are hoping for a lovely summer with glorious sunny weather it is no surprise that he loved many items from the range of kids designer shorts on the OD’s Designer Clothing website.

Buying a few of the fashionable items on his wish list will please Bug and his love of trendy designer clothing plus mean he is ready for a summer of sun and adventures.

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