Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Pregnancy incontinence

Pregnancy can be a joyous, exciting experience. There really is nothing quite like feeling your baby move and kick inside of you. A woman’s body growing a baby is a truly beautiful, wonderous thing.

Pregnancy can also have some difficult physical side effects. Morning sickness or for some unfortunate women hyperemesis gravidarum, constipation, sore breasts, bad back and yeast infections are just a handful of physical issues that can plague pregnant women. Another health issue that is often common in pregnancy and after birth is incontinence.

Apart from the odd joke between mums about the trampoline being their bladder’s worst enemy after kids and coughing fits being a risky business as it is a Russian roulette of whether your bladder will hold, pregnancy related incontinence is rarely spoken about. Unfortunately there seems to be a cloud of shame around pregnancy incontinence and it is still a taboo topic that is rarely spoken about.

This needs to change.

Whilst some jest about the issue if it is not spoken about more the shame and worry connected to it stops women seeking help.

Thankfully Hartmann Direct have created a very informative and brilliant post about everything you need to know about pregnancy incontinence.

The post which I think is fantastic for raising awareness of pregnancy incontinence discusses what is pregnancy incontinence, what causes it, risk factors, how to avoid and pregnancy incontinence.

Did you know that gaining more than the recommended amount of weight during pregnancy increases your risk or suffering from incontinence during pregnancy? Or that having a forceps assisted birth can make you more likely to suffer from incontinence after birth?

The post highlights the fact that it is suggested by England’s Chief Medical Officer that as many as seven million in the UK suffering from incontinence. With that in mind I think it vital that we speak more about incontinence during and after pregnancy to raise awareness of this health issue that affects so many women.

For more facts about pregnancy incontinence and tips on how to help it such as diet and incontinence products take a look at the article ‘Everything you need to know about pregnancy incontinence’ created by Hartmann Direct.

* Post in collaboration with Hartmann Direct *

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