own experience with the HMRC has been a bit of a see-saw of both good
and bad. When applying for child benefit which has been done in the
fog that is the newborn stage of parenthood I found them to helpful,
professional, efficient and easy to deal with. I also think the HMRC
online services account a useful tool and the website is informative
as long as you can navigate through all the different sections and
subsections of the website.
it comes to tax like many people I find it can be daunting and
confusing with the forms being headache producing. Calling the HMRC
has always left me frustrated thanks to long waits on hold in a queue
where it is a Russian roulette whether you are going to be told you
are not speaking to the right department and whether you’ll be put
through to someone informative and helpful or someone who you can
tell really wishes they weren’t stuck answering the phone and
dealing with a billion questions about tax and self assessment thanks
to their unhelpful attitude.

you have had good or bad experiences with the HMRC unfortunately they
have to be dealt with for a number of reasons. Many people across the
UK have to deal with them and are required to fill out a self
assessment tax return. Whether it is because they are self-employed,
earn self-employed income as well as being employed and pay taxes
through PAYE, are a higher rate taxpayer or any of the other reasons
why self assessment is relevant completing a self assessment tax
return is part of financial routine. For some people the self
assessment tax return is a nightmare which they dread.
that in mind I wanted to look at a few tips to make completing the
self assessment tax return and dealing with the HMRC that little bit
easier -
* Be
avoid panic, confusion and dreaded situations of lost vital paperwork
(learn from my mistake where I left a trail of destruction in my wake
searching the house top to bottom to find that missing bit of
important paperwork) it is worthwhile being organised and having your
paperwork safe for when you need it. Keeping a file or box with all
essential paperwork such as invoices, receipts, expenses and income
will ensure you have all the paperwork needed to hand when you need
complete your tax return. A spreadsheet filled with all incoming and
outgoing expenses is also very useful.

* Online
with most things if I need help with something I hit up Google for a
little assistance. Self assessment tax return is no different, make
use of online resources to help you prepare and fill out your tax
return. The GOV.UK website is a great starting point to learn key
things like who must send a tax return and penalties.
valuable online resource is Talk Tax who provide articles filled with
up-to-date information about anything and everything HMRC related
such as guides to detailing what you need to know about the new tax
year to how to spot a fake HMRC email. The website is also a wealth
of important HMRC contact numbers so you can get through to speak to
the right department for your query.
* Use
an accountant
not a must hiring the services of an accountant can take the stress
out of dealing with self assessment tax returns. Being experts you
can trust that they will deal with your financial matters correctly.
They are well versed in dealing with complex HMRC forms and will
ensure nothing is missed or incorrect and they are also helpful in
helping you save money.
you have any tips for dealing with the HMRC? Any advice on dealing
with self assessment tax returns?
* Collaborative
post *
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