Monday, 29 October 2018

Good neighbours?

Unless you live in an extremely remote area miles from anyone and anywhere, chances are you’ve got at least a couple of neighbours. The relationship you have with your neighbours can have a big effect on how much you love or hate living in your home and the area you are living in.

Getting on well with your neighbours and have no major issues arise between you and them can help make you feel more content about where you live. Whilst on the other hand if there is tension or conflict between you and your neighbours it cause you to end up hating where you live.

Whilst you don’t have to be best buddies with your neighbours there are benefits to be had to being friendly to your neighbour. Being a good neighbour decreases the chance of having major conflict with your neighbour and opens the door to your neighbours being good neighbours in return. Being and having good neighbours can help make living in your area more pleasing and sparks a hint of the close relationships that neighbours used to have with each other in years gone by where everyone knew everyone and looked out for each other.

Being a good neighbour can be achieved with simple steps such as introducing yourself to neighbours, keep neighbours in informed of renovation work or parties that may disrupt them and respecting parking etiquette.

Unfortunately whilst you might do your utmost to be a good neighbour and forge a respectful and friendly bond with neighbours for a happy relationship sometimes relationships with neighbours are not happy or tension free.

It seems as if problems with neighbours is becoming increasingly common. Often we hear about neighbours from hell on tv shows and newspaper articles where living next them was a nightmare.

Common complaints of problems with neighbours include pets causing a nuisance or being aggressive, property boundary issues, criminal behaviour, parking, neglected homes and loud noise from parties, music and gardening equipment.

What do you do if you have a problem with your neighbours?

Thankfully Sloane and Sons Garden Benches have created a useful guide on how to be a good neighbour that tackles the topic of problem neighbours with helpful advice on how to deal with the situation and come to an agreeable solution. Tips include talking to them, keeping a record of incidents and making a complaint to the council. The guide also provides advice on how to be a good neighbour and looks at common complaints.

Have you ever had any issues with your neighbours?

* Collaborative post *

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