Monday, 18 February 2019

Ideas for a summer house


When I was a child I used to love visiting my great great aunty Nansi as she had a summer house in her garden. Positioned to the side of her immaculate lawn and amongst blooming flowers that she took great care of her summer house was a place for her to relax in on her sun loungers, a tranquil place to read a book and where she could admire the views. Her summer house was a favourite childhood haunt of mine, I spent hours in it when we visited her and I loved playing in it.

As I have such fond memories of her summer house I’ve always wished that I could one day have a summer house in my garden.

As well as satisfying my inner child’s desire to have a garden summer house to call my own, having a summer house in our garden would also be a great way to add more space to our house.

With four of us crammed into our modest 2 bed house and each of us sporting different hobbies space is getting a little tight at home. Both boys are growing up fast and their belongings take up lots of space, Lee’s love of gaming occupies a big chunk of our living room and I try to squeeze in space for a home office and home gym.

As we are desperate for space but don’t foresee moving house in the immediate future a garden summer house would be the ideal solution for us especially as modern garden houses are fully insulated and you can get them hooked up with electricity, but what could we use a summer house for?

Man cave
Lee would be over the moon if he had a man cave to call his own. As he loves gaming and has an ever expanding gaming setup he would love to have a dedicated gaming space and a man cave in the garden would be perfect.

The beauty of a man cave is that he could have all things gaming in one space and make it a gaming man cave that any gamer would love. It would be a gaming man cave that showcases his love and admiration for games. He could have his consoles and PC hooked up to their own TVs so they are ready to play and a gaming chair for comfortable gaming. He could have his games on display rather than having most of them stored away due to lack of space. Gaming related posters and gaming accessories such as Cables Guys and Pop Figures could be displayed to add a splash of character and colour.

Having a dedicated gaming man cave would mean we would have more space in our living room once again. Plus we would no longer have to compete to hear the TV/game as we both try to watch TV or play a game at the same time in the same space.

To free up some space in the house and give the boys a dedicated play space a playroom summer house would be amazing.

It would make the boys feel big having their own space for play and would make the house feel less cramped with some of their toys out of the way. As they grow and their interests change we could change the space to suit their needs, growing with them from a playroom filled with toys perfect for young children to a teenage hangout for when they are tweens and teens.

The beauty of a summer house playroom in the garden is that it will also encourage and spark outdoor play too so that the boys embrace our garden space more too throughout the year.

Home office
As I’ve mentioned before I would love to have a dedicated home office space for when working from home rather than cruising around the house, working wherever and whenever from my laptop. But with space being a very sought after commodity in our home I’ve yet to make that dream a reality.

If I had a summer house in the garden I could commandeer it for myself as a home office. Having a dedicated home office would hopefully help me be more productive especially if I am in a home office in the garden away from the house where I won’t have the distractions of household chores surrounding me that are begging to be done.

Also as I love being outdoors and find it relaxing I want to bring nature into my home office with plants. Having a home office a modern garden room where I can admire the views of our lovely little garden will reinforce the relaxed, nature inspired atmosphere I want for my home office.

Exercise room
As I am striving to improve my health and fitness after being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes last year I have upped my exercise routine. Whilst I have been doing well and have even lost 3 and a half stone by exercising more and changing my eating habits I want to keep up the momentum and having a space to exercise at home would be amazing.

Due to financial costs, social anxiety and time I find it difficult to pop to the local gym so exercising at home is best for me. But once again space is limited which limits what physical exercise I can do.

Having a summer house in the garden for exercising would mean I would have more space and could get some exercise equipment such as a treadmill or exercise bike to use at home which would help me add different forms of exercise to my current routine which in turn should help me get fitter and healthier. Alongside exercising it could also be a place for me to practise my yoga and be a relaxation room to relax and unwind in.

What would you use a summer house for?

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