Sunday, 12 January 2020

A baby boy is born

2019 was a rollercoaster of a year. The most wonderful high of the year came at the end of the year with the arrival of our bundle of love, our third beautiful baby boy.

I just can't believe how quickly the weeks are flying by. Cherishing every moment.

Life as a family of five is bliss and our new addition is all we could have wished for and more. He is adorable and I am totally in love with my new little star.


  1. Congratulations! He looks so cute that I want to come and hug him (probably a bad idea). Hope he is healthy and well!

  2. Aww! Congratulations! He's adorable. I hope you are both doing well x

  3. Ahhh time does fly. And huge CONGRATULATIONS. He is adorable and hope you are both doing well!!!

  4. Aww! Congratulations! He is adorable. I have four months old baby boy! Enjoy mama xx

  5. Wow, I bet you will remember 2019 forever. What a wonderful Christmas gift he must've been for you and your family x

  6. Congratulations on the birth of your little boy, he is absolutely gorgeous and what a wonderful end to 2019!

  7. How wonderful, a baby is the best gift. I am so glad he has fitted in to your family really well. All the best, Mich x

  8. Awww congratulations, he is gorgeous

  9. Many many congratulations! Wish you and your family all the love and happiness watching him grow in the next few months.

  10. Aw huge congratulations, what a way to end the year! He’s absolutely gorgeous. Hope you’re all settling in and soaking up the new born days. X

  11. That's wonderful news. Congratulations!!! I always love happy news :) He looks so cute. Hope everything went well with the delivery.

  12. Aw how cute. Congratulations to you and your partner. I wish you all the best

  13. Congratulations, he is absolutely perfect. Makes me so glad I am sterile as I'd be broody as hell about now ;)

  14. HUGE congratulations! I can't believe he is here already, it only feels like yesterday that you said you were expecting

  15. Oh wow congratulations lovely . What an amazing end of year . Hope this year is full of joy for you :)
