Friday, 10 January 2020

Here are some top tips that will help you to prepare for the arrival of your new baby

If you are quickly approaching your due date, then you will know what an exciting time this can be. You may feel as though you can’t wait for what’s ahead and that you also have so much to plan. If you want to make things easier on yourself then you can find out everything you need to know, right here.

Birthing Plan
If you haven’t done this already, then it helps to prepare some notes so that you can fully explain to your midwife what kind of birth you would like to have. Tell them what pain relief you’d like and also tell them if you want to have a delayed cord clamp. Some people like to have skin to skin contact right after the birth too, so it’s worth taking this into consideration. Your birth plan does need to be flexible though, so if things change, it helps to be prepared for that.

Talk with your partner
Another thing that you need to do is chat with your partner so that you can make sure that you are on the same page for when your baby arrives. You should never assume your partner understands the role they are going to have during the birth or even after. Now is the time for you to talk about how you are going to divide up the chores and how you are going to adjust to life as a family. Of course, you also need to make sure that you have a car seat ready or you won’t be able to bring your new arrival home as quickly as you’d like. If you haven’t got a car yet or if you’d like to upgrade to a bigger model then check out this link for some great options:

Get some tips
It doesn’t matter whether you go to your mum or even a friend who has kids because it really does help to talk to people who have been in the same position before. You have to know that there is absolutely no such thing as a silly question when it comes to your pregnancy, so take every chance that you have and try and gain as much knowledge as you can. When you do, you will start to feel better and more confident overall.

Buy essentials
To save the hassle of having to shop with a newborn, stock up beforehand and buy baby essentials. Purchasing baby essentials such as baby wipes, nappies, baby formula and skincare products can ease stress and help you feel more prepared for when baby arrives. Items such as baby wipes are handy to have in the home for years to come so there is no need to worry about overstocking, and if you do buy too much baby formula you can sell formula to get your money back to buy lots of other baby essentials instead.

Ask for help
The first couple of weeks when you have a new baby can be overwhelming to say the least. If you are lucky enough to have a couple of relatives who are able to help out, then make sure that you go to them and that you also ask them for support. It may be that someone walks your dog for you once a day, or even that they make you some meals so that you have everything you need to get through the week. Either way, a lot of people worry that asking for help makes them seem weak but in reality, it’s the opposite and it could help you out more than you realise.

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