Wednesday, 16 September 2020

The Importance of Sports in Schools


Sport might not seem like a crucial aspect of the school curriculum, especially when compared with things like maths and science, but it is actually very beneficial for a child’s overall development. Not only does it improve general health and fitness, and therefore reduce the likelihood of obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases, it also teaches children a variety of important skills that can be transferred across other areas of life. Lots of children don’t have a big enough garden space to play in at home, so their fresh air and exercise is limited to what they receive at school. A prep school in Surrey explores the benefits of sport in further detail below.

* Team sports, like football or netball, encourage children to respect their peers and take on board the ideas and advice of others. Being able to work well as part of a team in order to reach a common goal is a crucial skill and one that can benefit your child even when they’re older and embarking on a career. Not only that, but children who are part of some sort of a team are able to build strong friendships!

* Another benefit of sports is that it teaches children an important life lessons; sometimes you’ll win and sometimes you won’t. The sooner they learn that life doesn’t always go to plan, the easier it will be for them to accept bad news and move forward in a positive direction. Learning how to win or lose gracefully is another key skill. 

* Children also learn the importance of perseverance through playing sport. In other words, the must carry on playing, even when they feel like giving up. 

* Exercise is great for boosting a persons’ mood, as it increases endorphins associated with reduced anxiety, more confidence and general happiness. As a result, children who have regular PE lessons in school will be able to concentrate and perform better in other lessons and just generally come across as a more well-adjusted individual. 

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