Friday 16 October 2020

Teaching Your Child to Resist Peer Pressure

Peer pressure is something that we all face at some point in our lives, even during adulthood, and we might not even realise it’s happening. It can be an unpleasant thing and can get children into trouble if they don’t have the confidence or understanding to turn away. With that said, parents should help their children to spot when peer pressure is happening and teach them ways to avoid it. Read on for some tips from a senior school in Hampshire.

Start by explaining to your child what peer pressure actually is. Perhaps find a video online you can show them or just role play some examples. If they don’t know what it is, how can they know to avoid it? Let them know that it’s perfectly ok to say no, but if it’s easier they could suggest an alternative idea. For instance, if someone is pressuring them to climb something dangerously high, they could say I don’t want to do that but let’s go and play in the park instead. 

Saying no, especially to a bully, is a very difficult thing to do. This will require bravery and confidence, which you can help your child to develop in many ways. Provide them with a supportive environment in which they don’t feel like they’re being judged or criticised. Give them responsibilities about the house so that they can develop a sense of independence and faith in themselves. Praise them where necessary and avoid being too harsh on them when faced with blunders. You could also encourage them to join an extra-curricular activity where they will learn valuable key skills and form strong friendships. In doing all of these things, you should help your child with their self-esteem, which will make them feel stronger when standing up to a bully.

It might be worth getting to know your child’s friends a little better to find out what they’re like and if you think they’re a good or bad influence. You can always get in touch with the teachers if you need some advice for handling a child that you don’t necessarily want your child to hang around with. However, try and avoid setting your child up to fail by saying things like “Your friend is going to get you into trouble”. Keep your opinions to yourself about your child’s friends and instead, find subtle ways to help them make friends with children who are a better influence on them.

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