Wednesday, 28 July 2021

A Parents' Guide to A-Levels

A-levels are important qualifications, especially if your child is planning to go to higher education. They are also valued by employers because they give an insight into a student’s strengths and weaknesses.

A-level qualifications are achieved through written examinations and coursework. However, with subjects such as performing arts there are also practical examinations. 

Choosing A-level subjects can be a challenging time for students. The choices they make at this point can have a big impact on their future studies and career. 

To help your children make the right A-level choices, an independent boarding college in Cardiff have put together the following advice for parents:


Be there to support your child and advise them through the A-level process. Help them to gather as much information as possible to support their decision making. Most importantly try not to put any pressure on your child and give them time and space to make their own choices.


It is important that your child chooses the subjects that they enjoy the most and do well at in school. Take time to talk with your child about their favourite subjects, because enjoyment of a subject will lead to their success.


It is important that your child makes an informed decision, so take them along to school and college open evenings and ensure that they have their questions answered. It may also help for your child to talk to friends and family who have already been through this experience. 


 A-levels are very different to GCSEs, so what may seem easy to your child now, might not seem so easy at A-level. With this in mind, it is a good idea to do some research into the type of work that will be expected from each subject your child is considering. Most A-level subjects require coursework and dedication to study outside of school hours.

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