Saturday, 18 February 2023

Top tips for teaching your child good manners

When a child is impolite, it isn’t always intentional. Sometimes, they are unaware of what they say and speak the first thing on their mind to a stranger, put their finger in their nose or interrupt their teacher without thinking twice. Teaching manners to a young child may seem like an overwhelming task at first, but rest assured, can be done in a very simple way. Being a good role model alone can help them pick up good manners in no time. With the addition of a few simple reminders here and there, below are some top tips on teaching your child good manners. 

Teach them to be polite early

A child as young as the age of 2 has the ability to learn how to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. Even though they are not at the stage where they understand the social expectations of having great manners, they will be able to relate the word ‘please’ to getting something, and ‘thank you’ to end an interaction. The idea at this stage is to teach the toddler a habit that they can then build on and develop a deeper understanding for as they grow up. Planting the seeds of manners into your child’s practices from a young age will be beneficial to them later.

Model manners

Children parrot almost every term you use in your daily life. This is why it is so important to be wary of the way you speak and behave in front of them, as they absorb it all. As you interact with others in your daily life, including good mannerisms will teach your child the correct way to speak and behave. Show manners to those of all ages so your child learns not to limit the practice to a certain group of people. 

Whilst it is important to give your child gentle reminders to use their manners, don’t force it. Manners should come naturally to a person. Be patient and allow your child the space and time to grow. 

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