So last week we made our first long distance journey as a little family and I must admit I was very apprehensive about it. As Lee would tell you I do worry about silly little things….leading up to our trip I was worrying how we would cope going 200miles in the car with Bug, how would he settle sleeping somewhere strange, how would I cope using cloth nappies away from home, would I remember to pack everything I needed…. Think I must have driven Lee crazy.
Our little trip was to go visit Lee’s family in Leeds so that they could spend some time with Bug and then on the way home to Wales we planned on stopping in Manchester for the baby show.
I was so proud of Bug not once during the journey did he cry or get upset, even though he is suffering with teething too. He was so good he played with his toys, munched on teethers and had a few little snoozes. It was a relaxing journey, we just took our time and stopped numerous times on the way….so pleased my fears of him crying all the way were totally unfounded.
We spent a few days with Lee’s family which was lovely and they really enjoyed having time with our cheeky little monkey. In spite of teething bothering Bug quite a bit, he was very settled and slept just as well as he does at home. And I was very pleased that we used cloth nappies during our trip away from home too. Bug did seem to have withdrawals from being apart from his Jumperoo though….he was jumping on everyone who held him instead, bless him.
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