Thursday, 15 September 2011

Shiny red parcel.

Some times I am surprised with the generosity and niceness of people and companies. Yesterday I got a shiny red parcel in the post of way of an apology from Practical Parenting and Pregnancy Magazine. 

A few weeks ago at the start of August as I was sat breastfeeding Tristan I was on Facebook and saw a post by Practical Parenting Magazine looking for scan pictures for a feature they were doing in the magazine. I decided to email them with one of the 4D scan pictures we had of Tristan when I was 28 weeks pregnant. I promptly got an email back asking to clarify some details and that his picture would be in the October issue on sale on the 7th of September. I marked the calendar on that date to remind me to buy it on the day it came out as I usually just get the magazine when I see it.

Fast forward to the 7th of September and I bought the magazine when I was out with my mum and didn’t look at till I got home. I opened the magazine, flicked to the scan article and without a glance handed it to Lee saying “here’s Tristan’s 5 minutes of fame”, to which he replied “babe that’s your name and comment but that’s not our baby”. He was right the scan picture in the magazine was definitely not our little man’s one.

Being a sentimental fool I was disappointed that it was the wrong scan picture, having thought of keeping the magazine for when Tristan was older to show him. I emailed them asking why wasn’t my scan picture included when my comment was. I promptly got an email back from the lady who I had first sent the scan picture to apologising for the mistake and please could I give her my address for her to send out a gift.

The 4D Scan Picture of Tristan 

I must admit I only expected a little gift, nothing major but to my surprise and delight I got a lot more than I had expected. Opening my shiny red parcel I found a few baby products, some products for mummy to pamper herself with at long last and to Lee’s pleasure at being included too a book for Dad’s. In spite of the printing mistake with the scan I am so impressed with Practical Parenting and Pregnancy and their staff. There wasn’t a need for a gift, the apology and explanation was enough and them wanting to send a gift to show their apology speaks volumes. In particular in my dealings with her I can see that their Features Editor Lara Brunt is a credit to the magazine, such a lovely and friendly lady. It is a breath of fresh air to come across such kindness. Thank you Practical Parenting and Pregnancy Magazine.

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