Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Monkey Stars Sleep Gown Review

When the lovely Monkey Stars offered one of their sleep gowns for Tristan to test I was looking forward to testing it out especially as we have never used a sleep gown before. 

 Monkey Stars is family run online baby sleep boutique based in Northampton which was founded in 2010.  Realising the importance of quality sleep for developing babies and toddlers they provide customers with ground-breaking designs and practical ideas to help them get a great night’s sleep, helping babies and tots be happy.  They sell fun and affordable baby and toddlers products that are also comfortable and practical, only selling products that they use or would use with their children.

This Sleepy Little Monkeys Baby Sleep Gown is soft white 100% cotton with three little monkeys snoozing amongst the stars on the front of the gown.  The gown is one size and fits approximately 6-12months. 

I really like the design on this gown, I think the three monkeys are very cute and I like that it is suitable for both boys and girls.  The material is really soft, I have washed and dried this sleep gown a few times since we’ve been testing it and it washes and dries really well and is just as soft as it was when new.  It has an envelope neck and Tristan is very comfortable wearing it.  As Tristan is only 7 months old there is still plenty of growing room however Tristan is quite long and as such the bottom doesn’t always cover his feet especially when he’s wriggling around.  I think the sleep gown would be better if it was a tad longer. 

The bottom is elasticated which is great for making nappy changing easier, this is especially useful during the middle of the night when you are tired and it saves you having to deal with annoying poppers and disturbing your little one when contending with baby grows.  Tristan sleeps through now so nappy changes during the night time is not as frequent as it was when he was younger, having used this now I wish I had used a sleep gown when he was newborn to help make nappy changes quick and easy.  With nights getting colder I think this sleep gown is ideal to combine with a sleeping bag and as it’s got long sleeves his arms are kept warm.  I think it would also be great in the summer where I would only put the gown and a nappy on Tristan, helping to keep him cool.

I really like this sleep gown, it a great quality simple yet practical item.  I would definitely use one when I have another baby from birth and think the sleep gown is ideal from those first few months of a little ones life.

This Sleepy Little Monkeys – Baby Sleep Gown can be purchased on Monkey Stars website for £5.99, which I think is great value for money.  Monkey Stars can be followed on twitter @MonkeyStarsBaby and you can also join them on their facebook page.  You can also purchase the other items that they sell on their website, including baby slings and carriers, sleeping bags and comforters.

* Monkey Stars kindly gave us this sleep gown to review for free, despite this I have written an honest review that contains my own words and opinions and is 100% my own *

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