Saturday, 14 April 2012

My Little Star.

Now that Tristan’s 1st birthday has been and gone the time for his next lot of vaccinations was nearing and we had been sent a time and date to little man to get his jabs next week on Thursday.  I was apprehensive about his jabs as he is older now I imagined the experience would be so much worse, that he would be looking at me with his big blue eyes all teary, accusing me of letting the health visitor hurt him.

Our health visitor has a drop in clinic on Wednesday morning where you can see her for any advice and for getting your little one weighed.  As we were in the area this past Wednesday we decided to pop in to see her for some advice about a particular issue and to get little man weighed.  After having a little chat and getting some advice I got Tristan on the scales and he was 22lb 13oz.

 Whilst we were there she asked me if I wanted Tristan to have his jabs there and then to save us coming over again next week.  It took me by surprise as I hadn’t prepared myself for little man to have his jabs that day but I thought seeing as we are here we might as well.

As I sat there waiting for the health visitor to get everything ready to give little man his vaccinations I began imagining little man howling the place down and being inconsolable.  Lee was going to meet us at the car as he had an appointment with the doctor and I was imagining myself walking out of the clinic with Tristan crying his little heart out and Lee wondering what was wrong.  I know I was over-reacting, letting my imagination go wild with mummy worry but I really thought he would be more upset about injections into his little legs now that he is older and more aware.

Then the time came when the health visitor was ready and I would find out if my assumptions about how he would react were going to be correct or not.  With little man sat on my lap the health visitor gave him his vaccinations, 2 in 1 leg and the other 1 in the other leg.  Tristan did cry once the first jab was given but instead of the inconsolable, howling little man I imagined I would have, he only cried for a few seconds and then just cuddled into me.

By the time we had said our good-byes and left the clinic Tristan was his normal happy, cheeky monkey self.  Lee was proud of our little man for being brave and gave him lots of cuddles before we headed home.  Tristan was happy for the rest of the day but has been a tad irritable today and slightly off of his food.  The health visitor told me that he may experience affects of the MMR vaccine in about 7-10 days so we will have to wait and see how he is next week.

I am so proud of my little man.  He was a little star.  After seeing how he reacted to the vaccinations I feel a tad silly for my concerns but I am sure that over the years I will carry on worrying about my little man.

1 comment:

  1. Donna McParland18 June 2012 at 10:01

    never ceases to amaze me how resiliant and accepting our children can be, and forgiving!
